Daily Trust

Katsina Join Forces with UNHCR, TGI to End IDP Crisis


The Katsina State Government, under the leadership of His Excellency, Governor Dikko Umaru Radda, today announced a groundbrea­king initiative aimed at providing comprehens­ive support and sustainabl­e solutions for the approximat­ely 250,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) residing in the state.

This innovative eɣort is undertaken in collaborat­ion with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and Tropical General Investment­s (TGI) Group. It marks a signi¿cant step forward in addressing the challenges faced by internally displaced persons (IDPs) and fostering community resilience.

The Executive Director, Katsina State Developmen­t Management Board, Maryam Musa Yahaya who led the partners to visit projects site in the state disclosed the developmen­t in a statement on Sunday.

According to the Executive Director, the initiative which Follows the successful Peace and Security Summit for northweste­rn Nigeria, focuses on ¿nding durable solutions for IDPs, that will prevent future displaceme­nt crises, and ensuring eɣective protection and assistance for the vulnerable. Maryam emphasized that the initiative is line with Governor Radda’s goals and the President’s Renewed Hope Agenda as well as the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals, and the UN Secretary General’s Action Agenda.

Through partnershi­ps with TGI and UNHCR, the Katsina State Government aims to provide comprehens­ive training, support cooperativ­e developmen­t, oɣer agro-¿nancing, and guarantee market access for IDPs. This holistic approach seeks to empower displaced individual­s and families to rebuild their lives and contribute to the

state’s economy.

The Executive Director disclosed the Key components of the initiative to include:

Transition from IDP Camps: Governor Radda has taken decisive action by closing all IDP camps in Katsina State, recognizin­g that these environmen­ts are not conducive to longterm well-being. Displaced communitie­s have been integrated into villages and cities, facilitati­ng better access to resources and opportunit­ies for rebuilding their lives.

Special Advisory and Support Teams: To prioritize the needs of displaced persons, Governor Radda has appointed a special advisor on IDPs and establishe­d dedicated oɤces for digital inclusion and irrigation— key components in supporting and strengthen­ing our communitie­s.

Mobile One-Stop Shop for Essential Services: A mobile service delivery unit will be deployed to various wards and LGAs, providing a one-stop shop for essential documentat­ion and services. This includes National Identi¿cation Numbers (NIN), Bank Veri¿cation Numbers (BVN), opening bank accounts, and inclusion in the social register where applicable. This proactive outreach aims to strengthen the relationsh­ip between the state and its citizens, ensuring equitable access to vital services.

Agricultur­al Empowermen­t and Economic Growth: The Katsina State Government is allocating arable land, high-quality seeds, fertilizer­s, and other agricultur­al inputs to 1,000 IDPs and vulnerable households, with a strong focus on empowering women. By expanding irrigation networks, the initiative will enable multiple crop rotations per year, signi¿cantly improving agricultur­al productivi­ty and stabilizin­g livelihood­s.

Maryam reiterated the state government’s

 ?? ?? Gov Radda, Executive Governor of Katsina state
Gov Radda, Executive Governor of Katsina state

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