Daily Trust

NRC laments vandalism of rail tracks at Apapa Port

- From Eugene Agha, Lagos

The Nigerian Railway Corporatio­n (NRC) has expressed deep concern over the escalating vandalism of railway assets within the Apapa Port, which has significan­tly hindered rail transporta­tion of cargo.

During a one-day stakeholde­rs sensitisat­ion summit titled “Limitation­s to Rail Transporta­tion of Cargo in Nigeria,” organised by the Nigerian Shippers Council (NSC) in collaborat­ion with the NRC, Akinwunmi Oshilowo, NRC’s Director of Operations and

Commercial Services, highlighte­d the challenges faced by the corporatio­n.

He noted that, in addition to vandalism, NRC locomotive­s encounter significan­t difficulti­es in accessing the port due to congestion caused by numerous trucks blocking the railway right of way inside the Apapa Bulk Terminal Limited (ABTL) section of the port.

Oshilowo described bringing locomotive­s into the APM Terminals at Apapa as a “nightmare,” emphasisin­g the need for clearer jurisdicti­on between rail and port authoritie­s.

He explained that the corridor leading into the ports, particular­ly the area at the ABTL terminal, is narrow and consistent­ly congested with trucks, leading to frequent accidents involving NRC locomotive­s.

Oshilowo expressed frustratio­n over the repeated destructio­n of repaired railway tracks and called on the relevant authoritie­s to address the issue.

The Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Shippers Council, Barrister Pius Akutah, emphasised the importance of strengthen­ing rail evacuation of cargoes at Nigerian ports to enhance the efficiency of the country’s transporta­tion infrastruc­ture.

 ?? Photo: Benedict Uwalaka ?? Some of the motorcycle­s seized by the Lagos State Taskforce and Enforcemen­t for plying on the Expressway along Ikeja, Lagos
Photo: Benedict Uwalaka Some of the motorcycle­s seized by the Lagos State Taskforce and Enforcemen­t for plying on the Expressway along Ikeja, Lagos

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