Daily Trust

Gombe Govt Dispatches Essential Food Items to Vulnerable Persons Across 11 LGAs


Gombe State government has dispatched truckloads of essential food items to all the11 local government areas of the state for onward distributi­on to the most vulnerable persons.

This follows the approval of Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, who has continued to demonstrat­e commitment to the welfare of the people.

Each LGA has been allocated


EDJV RI NJ ULFH DQG FDUWRQV of spaghetti pasta.

Beyond the distributi­on to the /*$V DQ DGGLWLRQDO EDJV

HDFK RI ULFH DQG VRUJKXP DQG cartons of spaghetti pasta will be distribute­d to a wide array of groups, including faith-based organizati­ons, civil society groups, trade unions, student unions such as the Gombe 6WDWH 6WXGHQWV $VVRFLDWLRQ *266$ and the National Associatio­n of 1LJHULDQ 6WXGHQWV 1$16 DV ZHOO as tsangaya and almajiri schools. Special considerat­ion has also been given to youths and women groups, and people living with disabiliti­es, as directed by the Governor to ensure that the relief package reaches those who are mostly in need, especially in the face of the current economic hardship.

This distributi­on is just one of PDQ\ HɣRUWV E\ WKH JRYHUQPHQW WR VXSSRUW WKH FLWL]HQV GXULQJ GLɤFXOW times.

Governor Inuwa Yahaya remains FRPPLWWHG WR LPSOHPHQWL­QJ HɣHFWLYH measures to support the citizens and ensure their resilience to foster social stability amid economic challenges.

The Governor also remains grateful to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, for his numerous interventi­ons and initiative­s to address the economic challenges facing the nation in this challengin­g period.

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