Daily Trust

Gombe State Government


The Gombe State Government is compelled to respond to a recent statement made by the Hon. Minister of Informatio­n and National Orientatio­n, Mohammed Idris, regarding the distributi­on RI WUXFNV RI WKH )HGHUDO *RYHUQPHQW¶V ULFH DOORFDWLRQ LQ ZKLFK KH VSHFL¿FDOO\ PHQWLRQHG Gombe State during a media interview.

,W LV QRW RXU ZLVK WR HQJDJH LQ D PHGLD H[FKDQJH ZLWK WKH +RQ 0LQLVWHU RI ,QIRUPDWLRQ KRZHYHU ZH ¿QG it necessary to reiterate that, contrary to his assertion, Gombe State has not yet received the delivery of the said 20 trucks of rice allocated by the Federal Government in July, 2024.

We understand that the Minister’s statement was in response to the recent remarks by His Excellency, Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya during a stakeholde­r engagement with civil society organizati­ons and organised labour prior to the planned August protests. During that meeting, the Governor addressed concerns about the Federal Government’s rice distributi­on, where he noted that while an allocation had been announced by the Minister of Informatio­n on July 15, 2024, the state had not yet received the said rice. The Governor, however, assured stakeholde­rs and the people of the state that distributi­on would begin as soon as the rice was delivered.

We are aware that Gombe State is not alone in this situation, as similar reports have emerged from other states, including neighbouri­ng Adamawa, Yobe and Taraba. Therefore, it is surprising that the Hon. Minister chose to single out Gombe State in his media response, overlookin­g the broader context.

We recognize the challenges of logistics and distributi­on in this current situation and remain optimistic that necessary arrangemen­ts will be made to ensure that this relief commodity is delivered to us.

Gombe State Government remains grateful to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR for his relentless support and efforts to address the economic challenges facing the nation. We also appreciate Mr. President for the various interventi­ons extended to us, including provision of fertilizer­s and assorted food items in this challengin­g period.

Gombe State Government remains committed to transparen­cy and open communicat­ion at all times. The Hon. Minister of Informatio­n and any other persons have access to proper channels to verify the status of the rice delivery to Gombe, rather than disseminat­ing informatio­n that holds the potential of creating a negative impression on the minds of the people.

Ismaila Uba Misilli


(Press Affairs) Government House


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