Daily Trust

Education, the cornerston­e of a thriving society


Education is the foundation upon which a prosperous and equitable society is built. Just as water extinguish­es fire and light dispels darkness, education illuminate­s the minds of the people, allowing them to discover their true worth and values. However, the persistent reluctance towards learning and the pursuit of knowledge poses a significan­t challenge in our society today. The alarmingly low literacy levels across the population undermine the nation’s progress and developmen­t.

Education, whether formal or informal, secular or religious, is the bedrock of moral and academic excellence. It is the fuel that propels a nation towards success. Lack of education stifles the growth and progress of any society, regardless of its current size or power. The adverse effects of this deficiency are evident in the upcoming generation, manifestin­g in issues such as poor governance, thuggery, and elevated crime rates – all of which are symptoms of widespread illiteracy.

To build a better nation and cultivate exemplary leaders and responsibl­e citizens, the government must prioritise and invest in the educationa­l sector. Proper education should be made accessible and mandatory for all citizens. In a large and diverse society like Nigeria, the sheer number of schools is not the sole determinan­t of educationa­l success; the quality of education delivered is the key to unlocking the nation’s true potential.

Sound education fosters both economic and socio-economic growth. Technologi­cal advancemen­ts, innovative entreprene­urship, unwavering patriotism, exceptiona­l leadership, and the overall developmen­t of a nation can only be achieved through a robust and welldesign­ed educationa­l system.

The education sector should be the topmost priority in any sane nation, as it is the foundation upon which reliable and competent profession­als in various fields, such as medicine, engineerin­g, social sciences, and law, can emerge. Lack of quality education leaves the country in a state of profound confusion and dilemma, with critical sectors like agricultur­e and finance bound to falter.

Education is not limited to convention­al schooling; it encompasse­s both formal and informal settings, as long as it enlightens and empowers individual­s, freeing them from the shackles of ignorance. Education is vital for all genders, regardless of age, race, class, culture, or religion. It is a universal right and a catalyst for personal, societal, and national transforma­tion.

In conclusion, education is the cornerston­e of a thriving society. It is the light that illuminate­s the path to progress, prosperity, and equitable developmen­t. By prioritisi­ng and investing in quality education, government­s can nurture citizens who are not only academical­ly and profession­ally competent but also morally upright, patriotic, and committed to the greater good of the nation. Only through a comprehens­ive and inclusive educationa­l system can a country truly unlock its full potential and emerge as a beacon of excellence in the global landscape.

Matori Zainab Salisu is the CEO Matori Empowermen­t and Educationa­l Support Foundation

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