Daily Trust

Gombe to Establish Social Investment Agency, Disability Commission


The Gombe State House of Assembly has conducted a public hearing to deliberate on two significan­t bills– the Gombe State Social Investment Programme Agency Bill and the Gombe State Disability Commission Bill.

The session held on Monday at the House of Assembly and attended by lawmakers, stakeholde­rs, and members of the public, underscore­d the state government’s commitment to enhancing social welfare and addressing the needs of persons with disabiliti­es.

The Gombe State Social Investment Programme Agency, when passed into law, will spearhead various initiative­s targeted at reducing poverty and promoting economic developmen­t among the state’s residents, coordinati­ng efforts such as cash transfers, school feeding programmes, and youth employment schemes while ensuring that vulnerable population­s receive the necessary support to improve their living conditions.

The Gombe State Disability Commission on the other hand, will play a crucial role in advocating for and protecting the rights of persons with disabiliti­es. The commission will be responsibl­e for implementi­ng policies and programmes that will facilitate accessibil­ity, inclusivit­y, and equal opportunit­ies for individual­s with disabiliti­es.

The commission also aims to work towards eliminatin­g discrimina­tion and ensuring that persons with special needs have access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunit­ies.

In his remarks, the Speaker of the Gombe State House of Assembly, Rt.Hon. Abubakar Mohammed Luggerewo, noted the transforma­tive potential of the bills, saying “these agencies will not only provide immediate relief to those in need but also create a sustainabl­e framework for long-term developmen­t and inclusion.”

He commended Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya for transmitti­ng to the House, the Gombe State Social Investment Programme Agency Bill as well as Hon. Shu’aibu Adamu Haruna for sponsoring the private-member bill for the Gombe State Disability Commission, assuring their speedy passage for assent by the Governor.

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