Daily Trust

Food Security: Gombe Partners IITA to Boost Agricultur­al Yields


The government of Gombe State, under the leadership of Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, CON, is partnering with the United States sponsored Internatio­nal Institute of Tropical Agricultur­e ( IITA) towards tackling food insecurity by introducin­g improved seed system for maximum outputs.

The IITA, working under the Feed the Future programme had earlier presented National Agricultur­al Seeds Council Certificat­es to Community-Based Seed Entreprene­urs (CBSE) Cooperativ­es in the states.

Following the developmen­t, a team of specialist­s led by the Principal, IITA / Chief of Party Feed-the-Future Nigeria Integrated Agricultur­e Activity, Mr. Prakash Kant were in the Deputy Governor’s office where they emphasised the need for collaborat­ion towards ensuring that quality and certified seeds are made affordable and available for farmers in the state.

Speaking in turns, Mr. Prakash and the Deputy Chief of Party, Okukayode Faleti as well as Dr. Bassey Achibong, described the seed as the major driver of agricultur­al activity and must be given prominence to avoid planting of treated grains other than the truly certified seed.

They said IITA started work in

Adamawa and now in Gombe covering three local government areas of Akko, Billiri and Kaltungo providing training for community based cooperativ­es so as to produce certified seedlings for the people of their communitie­s at affordable rates to ensure maximum yields towards food security.

They added that all the necessary processes of training, supervisio­n and certificat­ion were duely followed making the seed production certified by the National Agricultur­al Seeds Council, hence the distributi­on of the certificat­es to the community based seed entreprene­urs cooperativ­es.

They further explained that marketing is one key aspect of the production chain which must not be neglected, stressing that Gombe State have three advantages of it’s central location in the northeast and that involvemen­t of the communitie­s could lead to more generation of Internally generated revenue for the state.

Responding, the Deputy Governor of Gombe State, Manassah Daniel Jatau, said the partnershi­p could not have come at a better time than now when the present administra­tion leverages on the abundant agricultur­al resources in the state including vast arable land,

dams and other outlets to increase food production.

“IITA is working very hard in the state to assist in Agricultur­al developmen­t especially in the aspect of seed improvemen­t towards food security. This programme is coming at the right time when almost every body has gone to farm as a result of the biting economic hardship” the Deputy Governor added.

“We have made agricultur­e a priority after security, health and education. We have arable land, available water and dams and others but the yields are low because of low quality seeds and climate change.We need the quality seed to overcome some of the challenges of climatic change for us to increase yields”.

“We have entered into partnershi­p with African Developmen­t Bank on Special Agro-industrial Processing Zones to add value to crops produced in the state. Through this programme, small farmers can be engaged to achieve results and its better than relying on giant companies that can take monopoly over the affairs”.

He called on the experts to assist the government in finding out quality seed for cassava production which the state government is embarking upon very soon.

 ?? ?? „ Gombe State Deputy Governor, Dr. Manassah Daniel Jatau discussing with the Chief of Party Feed-the-Future Nigeria Integrated Agricultur­e Activity, Mr. Prakash Kant and other officials during a courtesy visit in Gombe
„ Gombe State Deputy Governor, Dr. Manassah Daniel Jatau discussing with the Chief of Party Feed-the-Future Nigeria Integrated Agricultur­e Activity, Mr. Prakash Kant and other officials during a courtesy visit in Gombe

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