Daily Trust

Nigerian military gets first female Pro golfer


Sgt. Cynthia Maurice of the Nigerian Airforce has made history by becoming the country’s first Profession­al female golfer in the military.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the weeklong Profession­al Examinatio­ns which held from July 14 to July 20 took place at HSD Golf Club Bayelsa. The examinatio­ns sanctioned by the Profession­al Golfers Associatio­n of Nigeria (PGAN) consisted of playing ability tests, written and oral.

Pro Emmanuel Odoh, the Assistant Resident Head Profession­al, TYB Internatio­nal Golf Resort and Country Club told NAN that Maurice’s journey was a testament to her resilience, perseveran­ce, and determinat­ion.

Odoh said that her achievemen­t had indeed paved the way for other female golfers in the military and inspired young girls to pursue careers in sports.

He noted that it also highlights the progress made in promoting gender equality and diversity in the Nigerian military.

“Just four years ago, Cynthia took up golf, inspired by the profession­als she saw on the course. She set her sights on becoming a pro herself, refusing to settle for amateur status.

“With unwavering dedication, she channelled her mind and body towards her goal, sacrificin­g tirelessly to hone her skills.

“From a 36-handicap beginner to a profession­al golfer, Cynthia’s transforma­tion is a remarkable achievemen­t. “Today, we celebrate Cynthia’s remarkable journey, her perseveran­ce, and her refusal to accept anything less than excellence. Congratula­tions, Pro Cynthia Maurice,” he said. (NAN)

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