Daily Trust

Fight against immorality: Buni launches Ethical Reorientat­ion Campaign


As part of measures to further tackle immorality and other social vices, Yobe State Governor 0DL 0DOD %XQL KDV ÀDJJHG Rɣ WKH Ethical Re-Orientatio­n Campaign programme initiated by the 0LQLVWU\ RI 5HOLJLRXV $ɣDLUV DFURVV the state.

The campaign, tagged ‘Operation Gyaran Hali’, is to allow the state to intensify sensitizat­ion programmes, including the state government’s renewed war against drugs and RWKHU UHODWHG RɣHQVLYHV DFURVV WKH state.

6SHDNLQJ ZKHQ KH ÀDJJHG Rɣ the campaign in Damaturu, Buni directed the ministry, traditiona­l institutio­ns and other stakeholde­rs to work towards ensuring the success of the exercise in the state.

Buni said the measure became necessary considerin­g the role of the stakeholde­rs, including government, traditiona­l rulers, religious leaders, parents and guardians in tackling, the menace of drugs abuse, illicit substances among other social vices in the society.

He directed the security operatives to arrest anyone involved LQ WUDɤFNLQJ DQG FRQVXPSWLR­Q RI all prohibited substances and drugs.

He assured that the government would support all the stakeholde­rs LQ WKH ¿JKW DJDLQVW WKH ³LQFUHDVLQJ­O\ ugly trend.”

He further directed the 0LQLVWU\ RI 5HOLJLRXV $ɣDLUV WR organize a periodic meeting with the stakeholde­rs to assess the situation and sensitize respective local government areas to change the existing strategy to meet the existing challenges.

The Commission­er for Religious $ɣDLUV DQG (WKLFDO5H 2ULHQWDWLR­Q Alhaji Yusuf Umar Potiskum, said the ministry had designed elaborate programmes and policies to ensure total formation and re-orientatio­n of youths to conform with the ethical values, norms, peaceful coexistenc­e, economic growth and developmen­t.

He said the ministry would henceforth regulate and supervise all religious activities by educating, enlighteni­ng and sensitizin­g people especially the youths, who consist of 60 to 70 percent of the population, against engaging in drug abuse to ensure a peaceful society.

He commended Governor Buni for giving the ministry all the necessary support and encouragem­ent in dischargin­g its

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