Daily Trust

Yobe gov offers winners of research, innovation competitio­n cash prizes


obe State Governor Mai Mala Buni will, next month, present cash prizes to winners of the competitio­n organised by the Biomedical Science Research and Training Centre (BioRTC) of the Yobe State University in collaborat­ion with WKH RɤFH RI WKH 6SHFLDO $GYLVHU to the Governor on Science, Research and Innovation.

A statement issued by Abdulmumin Kolo Gulani of the 2ɤFH RI WKH 9LFH &KDQFHOORU Yobe State University, quoted the Special Adviser to the Governor, Dr Mahmoud Bukar Maina, as saying this GXULQJ D ZRUNVKRS RQ $UWL¿FLDO Intelligen­t (AI) organised by the centre in Damaturu.

Maina said the winners emerged after participat­ing in a contest tagged ‘Yobe State Research and Innovation Challenge 2024’ which was categorize­d into Brilliant Innovation­s and Top Research Paper Award.


winners, who emerged after a thorough review by experts, including Engr. Abubakar Gambo, a software architect/ programmer and co-founder of Cerebro Informatio­n Systems Ltd., along with Dr Ali Bukar Maina, a machine learning expert and principal vision scientist based in the United

Kingdom, were Mohammed Auwal from Bursari Local *RYHUQPHQW $UHD ¿UVW SODFH winner in Brilliant Innovation­s, Muhammad Mustapha from Geidam Local Government Area securing the second, and Adamu Aliyu from Nangere Local Government Area became third.

The special adviser equally stated that the other category of the award winners were selected after receiving numerous submission­s of highcalibe­r research papers and underwent extensive review to assess its eligibilit­y with panel of judges from the University of Sussex, UK and Umaru Musa Yaradua University, Katsina, Nigeria.

He said Idi Mohammed from the Yobe State University FDPH ¿UVW ZKLOH 0RKDPPHG Bukar Maina, also from Yobe State University and Harisu Abdullahi Shehu, came second and third respective­ly.

Maina said the winners would received the cash prize RI 1 IRU WKH ¿UVW position and N300, 000 as well as N200, 000 for the second and third for the two category respective­ly during the 2024 summer school workshop of the centre billed to hold in August.

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