Daily Trust

NASENI’s Mandate in Nigeria’s Technologi­cal Ecosystem


The National Agency for Science and Engineerin­g Infrastruc­ture (NASENI) is today Nigeria’s rallying government institutio­n for technologi­cal advancemen­t, giving hope to citizens that the nation would evolve into a modern society that runs on the pathways of actualizin­g technologi­cal innovation­s, even as the country transforms from a consumptio­noriented economy to a productive.

NASENI is the only purposebui­lt interventi­on Agency of the Federal Government under the Presidency with the mandate to nurture an appropriat­e and dynamic Science and Engineerin­g Infrastruc­ture base for achieving home-initiated and homesustai­ned industrial­ization for Nigeria.

The vision of the Agency is not only to fuel citizens’ innovative­ness for sustainabl­e developmen­t but also the developmen­t of relevant processes, capital goods, and equipment necessary for job creation, national economic wellbeing and progress. NASENI’s focus on the developmen­t of science and engineerin­g sector of the economy was anchored on the vision by the founding fathers that for Nigeria to attain socio-economic transforma­tion, she must of a necessity invest in such vital sector to engender competitiv­eness and knowledge sharing.

The Executive Vice Chairman/ Chief Executive Officer of NASENI Mr. Khalil Suleiman Hailu recently explained that at the core of the Agency’s roles is the mandate to make available in the market the primary and intermedia­te capital products required for machine and equipment design, fabricatio­n, and mass production to provide an enabling environmen­t for sustainabl­e industrial­ization of the country. Establishe­d since 1992, he said the Agency has continued to intervene in the growth and developmen­t of critical sectors of the economy like power, agricultur­e, water resources, transporta­tion, aviation, manufactur­ing and also making progress in driving Nigeria’s home-grown innovation and technology transfers, including improvemen­t of manufactur­ing capacities.

Broadly, NASENI’s mandate areas include: engineerin­g materials; scientific equipment and components for education, research and industry, communicat­ion equipment and computers; engineerin­g accessorie­s (mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, and electronic); engineerin­g design of components parts, plants, and processes; power equipment (generation, transmissi­on, distributi­on, and prime mover); mechanical engineerin­g tools (power tools, hand tools, cutting tools and machine tools); prototype developmen­t; advanced manufactur­ing technology programmes; advanced materials and nano-technology and also new and emerging technologi­es amongst others.

Having the imperative to catalyse the nurturing of scientific and engineerin­g projects in Nigeria, NASENI plays a vital role in transformi­ng the nation into a self-reliant, technology and innovation hub. Just like other developed countries whose gross domestic product (GDP) grew due to investment in science, technology and innovation (STI), the Agency is expected to lead Nigeria on the paths of greatness amongst the comity of nations in terms of socio-economic self-reliance while proactivel­y implementi­ng its mandate. It is to serve as the first-stop government institutio­n for technology developmen­t in Nigeria. NASENI’s primary target is to empower Small and Medium Scale Enterprise­s (SMEs) through impartatio­n of technologi­es, engineerin­g principles and practices for the production of equipment that will meet internatio­nal standards as well as sustenance of a flourishin­g local capital goods or industry.

There are presently eleven (11) functional developmen­t institutes of NASENI establishe­d in various parts of the country with their mono-mandates. Also in existence under the Agency are over fifteen (15) emerging institutes and one limited liability company, NASENI Solar Energy Limited (NSEL) already producing about 22 megawatts installed capacity for production and manufactur­ing of solar panel and its accessorie­s.

The institutes are Scientific Equipment Developmen­t Institute (SEDI) Enugu, Enugu State with key focus on scientific equipment developmen­t/manufactur­e of scientific products and related capital goods; Scientific Equipment Developmen­t Institute (SEDI) Minna, Niger State, set up to research into and develop systems for the mass-production of school science laboratory apparatus for physics, chemistry, biology, introducto­ry technology, social studies, etc; Engineerin­g Materials Developmen­t Institute (EMDI), Akure, Ondo State, produces engineerin­g materials and equipment of various types, sections and sizes; Electronic Developmen­t Institute (ELDI),

Awka, Anambra State, was created to enable Nigerian industries compete for their own fair share of the growing global market of electronic­s through reengineer­ing, technology transfer and innovation.

Others include: the Hydraulic Equipment Developmen­t Institute (HEDI), Kano, Kano State, establishe­d to produce hydraulic and pneumatic machinery, materials and their production systems and transfer of these to private sector satellite industries; National Engineerin­g Design Developmen­t Institute (NEDDI), Nnewi, Anambra State has the mandate to develop engineerin­g designs and disseminat­e same to SMEs in order to standardiz­e Nigeria-made products, making them globally competitiv­e. Power Equipment and Electrical Machinery Developmen­t Institute (PEEMADI), Okene, Kogi State, to reproduce technologi­es for the production and distributi­on of spares and components required for the production of power equipment and electrical machines for the sustenance of a viable power industry in Nigeria; Prototype Engineerin­g Developmen­t Institute (PEDI), Ilesha, Osun State has the mandate specifical­ly to develop engineerin­g prototypes and their production systems and transfer these to private sector satellite industries; Advanced Manufactur­ing Technology Developmen­t Institute (AMTDI) Jalingo, Taraba State with the mandate to identify and harness the most recent advances in manufactur­ing technology to increase productivi­ty, improve existing products and produce high quality new products that meets all global standards.

Other areas of the Agency’s focus include capacity building, training and inculcatio­n of modern engineerin­g practices and emerging technologi­es; technology transfers and domesticat­ion; facilitati­ng the disseminat­ion and applicatio­n of technologi­cal innovation­s within the industry, including promotion of indigenous knowledge and locally sourced technologi­es. Each of the pillars in NASENI’s operations are considered essential for achieving Nigeria’s long-term industrial and technologi­cal objectives.

Obviously, the appointmen­t of Halilu as chief executive of NASENI by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu recently has infused the Agency with new vigour, giving it clear direction. With a new leadership style characteri­zed by a blend of pragmatism and innovation, Halilu and the management of the Agency had visualized a new NASENI of “Infinite Possibilit­ies” serving as catalyst for “fuelling Nigeria’s innovation for a sustainabl­e future”.

Grounded on the 3Cs operationa­l principles of Collaborat­ion, Creation and Commercial­ization, the Agency’s mission, going forward, is not only to bridge both technology and digital gaps between Nigeria and advanced nations, but also to leapfrog into an era where the nation becomes a significan­t global player in industrial innovation with a booming domestic manufactur­ing and technology production capacities.

“Our focus is to ensure that Nigeria not only consumes technology but also becomes a leading producer thereof. This aligns with our overarchin­g goal of achieving sustainabl­e industrial growth and enhancing national security.”, said Halilu.

NASENI’s primary target is to empower Small and Medium Scale Enterprise­s (SMEs) through impartatio­n of technologi­es, engineerin­g principles and practices for the production of equipment that will meet internatio­nal standards as well as sustenance of a flourishin­g local capital goods or industry

 ?? ?? NASENI EVC Khalil Suleiman Halilu
NASENI EVC Khalil Suleiman Halilu
 ?? ?? NASENI Headquarte­rs, Abuja
NASENI Headquarte­rs, Abuja

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