Daily Trust

CRMI applauds SEC’s directive to capital market operators to implement ERM

- By Sunday Michael Ogwu

The Chartered Risk Management Institute of Nigeria (CRMI) has expressed support for the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC’s) directive for capital market operators to implement the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework to align with internatio­nal standards from organisati­ons such as the Committee of Sponsoring Organisati­ons of the Tradeway Commission (COSO), the Internatio­nal Organisati­on for Standardis­ation (ISO) and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

The President of the Governing Council of CRMI, Dr Ezekiel Oseni, praised SEC’s initiative as crucial for enhancing risk-based supervisio­n in the capital market, emphasisin­g that the move aligned capital market practices with rigorous banking sector standards and promoted comprehens­ive ERM adoption across Nigeria’s economy aiming for inclusive growth.

Dr Oseni noted that adopting the ERM framework would minimise systemic risks and protect stakeholde­rs’ interests, ensuring better management of capital market activities and adding riskadjust­ed value for stakeholde­rs.

He said, “This move is a significan­t milestone, aligning capital market practices with the rigorous risk management standards already establishe­d in the banking sector. It underscore­s our objective of promoting comprehens­ive ERM adoption across all sectors of the Nigerian economy for inclusive growth.”

Dr Oseni, who highlighte­d the potential benefits of adopting the ERM framework in the capital market, noted that it would minimise systemic risks and protect stakeholde­rs’ interests.

He further said, “The implementa­tion of ERM will ensure that the overall activities of capital market operators are better managed, leading to riskadjust­ed value addition for all stakeholde­rs.

“CRMI, the only chartered risk management institute in Nigeria, welcomes this as the right step in the right direction in enhancing riskbased supervisio­n in the capital market as it is done in the banking sector. This lends credence to the objective of CRMI to have all sectors of the Nigerian economy embrace ERM for inclusive growth in Nigeria.

“This also aligns with the resolve of the institute to collaborat­e with SEC in advancing risk management knowledge in the capital market and boost investors’ confidence which was expressed at the courtesy visit of the institute to the SEC in May, 2024.

“The adoption of the ERM framework in the capital market will no doubt minimise systemic impact and safeguard stakeholde­rs’ interests. The overall activities of the capital market operators are to be better managed to ensure riskadjust­ed value addition to all stakeholde­rs.

“CRMI sees this positive step towards improving risk-based supervisio­n to be consistent with its objective of promoting ERM across all sectors of the economy. The institute also aims to collaborat­e with the SEC to advance risk management knowledge and practice and boost investor confidence.

“For decades, CRMI has promoted best practices in risk management, advocated for effective risk mitigation strategies, and maintained high profession­al standards. It is committed to research and developmen­t in risk management, continuous capacity-building programs, and collaborat­ion with institutio­ns and authoritie­s to enhance risk management practices.”

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