Daily Trust

Mining Sector gets internatio­nal boost with Jupiter Lithium, Bevex’s processing agreement

- By Al-Mustapha Mustapha

Jupiter Lithium Limited, the driving force behind the Jupiter Project in Kaduna State, has signed a Memorandum of Understand­ing (MOU) with Bevex Mining Services of South Africa for the developmen­t and operation of modular lithium concentrat­or plants on the mine site near Kafanchan, in Kaduna State.

Jupiter Lithium, in collaborat­ion with its local subsidiari­es; Range Mining Limited and Basin Mining Limited, is developing the Jupiter Project, a spodumene deposit area of approximat­ely 442 km² situated strategica­lly near Kafanchan.

The project aims to harness rich spodumene deposits to produce premium Spodumene Concentrat­e (SC6) which will process into Lithium for the production of batteries.

Speaking on the MoU, Ambassador Dr. Hassan Tukur, representa­tive of Range Mining, said: “This MOU signifies a vital partnershi­p between Nigeria and South Africa in leveraging advanced lithium processing technology and aligns with our mission to enhance Nigeria’s mining sector and boost local employment.”

Bevex Mining Services, known for its extensive experience in lithium processing across Africa, will bring its expertise to the project.

Tukur said: “The collaborat­ion aims to utilise Dense Media Separation (DMS) technology, a tried and proven method in South Africa, to create modular process plants. These plants will be positioned close to spodumene outcrops, reducing transport costs and minimizing environmen­tal impact.”

Speaking further, Dave Griffiths, CEO of Bevex Mining Services, said: “We are thrilled to bring our expertise in modular lithium processing to Nigeria. The Jupiter Project’s commitment to local developmen­t and environmen­tal sustainabi­lity resonates with our values at Bevex.”

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