Daily Trust

4 months after, kidnapped Plateau woman cries out

- From Dickson S. Adama, Jos

A resident of Shaka Zone B in the Gold & Base area of Jos, Plateau State, Mrs Lisa J. Mopah, who was kidnapped in March this year, has said that she still feels unsafe.

She said that since the incident she didn’t feel safe anymore, and that she had vacated her home and moved in with a friend.

She explained that, “In March, masked men jumped out of a Peugeot 406 and pointed guns at me while I was driving home. They forced their way into my blue Venza and one of them slapped me on the face and used the butt of his rifle to hit me on my neck while the other forced my head down and ordered me to put my head between my legs and sternly warned of any form of eye contact with them. They blindfolde­d me and transferre­d me to their car.

“One of the guys then said that my husband gave their names many years ago to the 3 Armoured Division, Rukuba Barracks, Jos, to be court martialed and that they lost their jobs, rendering them useless, hence that they would hunt him and his family to kill them.”

She further said they took her ATM cards and withdrew money, and

that at the Lamingo Dam in Jos, they threatened to shoot her and throw her inside, but eventually dumped in a bush and she lost consciousn­ess until the following day. Adding that her car was later found burnt on the Jos-Bauchi highway.

An investigat­ion by City & Crime revealed that an interim police investigat­ion report on 24 May,

2024, confirmed the incident. The report was signed by the Deputy Commission­er of Police (DCP), Criminal Investigat­ion Department (CID), Plateau State Police Command, Usman Sheikh Adamu.

The report recommende­d that investigat­ion into the case should continue in order to apprehend the culprits.

 ?? ?? The victim’s car during after incident
The victim’s car during after incident

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