Daily Trust

‘Why National Sanitation Day should focus on enforcing attitudina­l change’

- By Chidimma C. Okeke

Nigeria over the last weekend marked National Environmen­tal Sanitation Day with the theme, “Go Greener, Stay Clean: Climate Change is Real,” to create awareness on the need for Nigerians to enforce proper sanitation and hygiene in their daily activities.

According to WHO, environmen­tal sanitation­s are efforts or activities aimed at maintainin­g a clean, safe and pleasant physical environmen­t through water supply, excreta and sewage disposal, solid waste disposal, and ensuring the safety of the environmen­t in all human settlement­s towards the promotion of social, economic and physical well-being of all sections of the population.

The day is commemorat­ed every June 28th as declared by President Olusegun Obasanjo in June 2005 at the launch of the National Environmen­tal Sanitation Policy document.

National Environmen­tal Sanitation Policy, which addresses specific areas like pest control, school sanitation, and proper waste disposal, also prioritise­s safe sanitation practices, promoting a cleaner and healthier environmen­t for all.

The policy is currently under review and to be presented to the Federal Executive Council for endorsemen­t in days to come, according to the federal ministry of environmen­t.

Despite having a day like that, it is a common fact that sanitary conditions in most urban cities and rural areas keep deteriorat­ing due to the unsustaina­ble hygienic measures, as people litter places with refuse dumps, faeces and urine.

Some stakeholde­rs have maintained that sustainabl­e waste management is paramount to achieving good sanitation, which is yet a mirage in the country.

People dispose of their waste anywhere in the market places, road median, fields, drainage, rivers and anywhere they deem fit with little or no consequenc­es.

An FCT resident, Bath Njoku, said when he was transferre­d to Abuja from Port Harcourt, he was convinced that it would be a neat and an organised tidy city and different from what he saw in Port where waste defaces places it is not supposed to.

“But I was disappoint­ed that the same thing happens in Abuja and many other cities in the country. Here it is impossible to pass through some major roads and breathe fresh air; all you get is pollution from urine, faeces and waste.

“It is funny that I don’t even know Nigeria still celebrates sanitation day unless I see news. It is better to go back to the days of compulsory sanitation day where everyone comes out to clean their streets and homes of which failure to do so will lead to penalty and besides people will not dispose of refuse anyhow if they know it is on them to clean it,” Njoku said.

According to a report tagged ‘Conceptual Modelling of Residents’ Environmen­tal Sanitation Behaviour in a Nigerian Metropolis’ by a lecturer with the University of Ile-Ife, Oluwole Daramola Obafemi Awolowo, the major determinan­t of residents’ environmen­tal sanitation behaviour was the mandated environmen­tal sanitation exercise.

Daramola said despite the positive contributi­ons of the monthly environmen­tal sanitation exercise, the residents need to know the importance of daily environmen­tal sanitation exercise (which is the practice), especially at the household and neighbourh­ood levels.

While it is establishe­d that human activities on the environmen­t have tended to degrade and make the environmen­t untidy and unfit for human habitation because of its unsanitary nature, the federal government in 2005 introduced the National Environmen­tal Sanitation Day to institutio­nalise sound environmen­tal sanitation practices among Nigerians through sustained awareness creation and reward for best practices in environmen­tal sanitation with the aim of improving the living condition of the people through an improved environmen­t.

At an event to mark the 2024 National Environmen­tal Sanitation Day in Abuja, the Representa­tive of WHO, Alexandra Chimbaru, said the day serves as a timely reminder of the urgent need for attitudina­l change and comprehens­ive all-ofsociety action at both national and subnationa­l levels to address poor sanitation and promote climate mitigation and adaptation measures.

Chimbaru congratula­ted the ministry and agencies supporting the event for using the National

Environmen­tal Sanitation Day to encourage community participat­ion in clean-up drives, awareness campaigns, and the promotion of personal and environmen­tal hygiene in local communitie­s in the Federal Capital Territory and beyond. This helps to reduce communicab­le diseases such as cholera affecting some states in the country

“I would like to say that we need to Go Greener, Stay Clean: Climate Change is Real. It is we as individual­s, as communitie­s, and as advocates that can make Nigeria go green. An aggressive adoption of environmen­tal hygiene practices and WASH measures in our communitie­s is needed more urgently to prevent the ongoing spread of cholera in the country. Ladies and gentlemen, together, we can make a significan­t impact by improving sanitation and promoting health for all,” he said.

Speaking, the Minister of State for Environmen­t, DrIziaq Adekunle Salako, said the annual commemorat­ion, spearheade­d by the Federal Ministry of Environmen­t in collaborat­ion with key stakeholde­rs, serves as a national advocacy platform that highlights the importance of sanitation and hygiene as a veritable tool for disease prevention and control and a weapon in reducing the adverse effect of climate change.

He said it offers the opportunit­y to increase awareness and the understand­ing of the importance of sanitation and hygiene as an effective and affordable way to prevent diseases, save lives and progress towards the achievemen­t of two important Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals by 2030, which are SDG3 -Good Health and Well-being and SDG6 Clean Water and Sanitation.

The minister said the theme is apt considerin­g the devastatin­g impacts of climate change on the planet and the current resurgence of cholera being experience­d in Nigeria as in several other parts of the world.

“The combinatio­n of climate change and poor sanitation without doubt poses a double jeopardy to the health of our planet and all creatures on it. While climate change results in extreme weather events that challenge good sanitation, poor sanitation creates the perfect conditions for the worsening of the adverse effects of climate change thus creating a vicious cycle of disease, poverty and underdevel­opment. This combinatio­n is standing squarely in the way of achieving many of the sustainabl­e developmen­t goals.

“Nigeria is experienci­ng the adverse impact of climate change as evidenced by the shift in seasons, species distributi­on changes, rising sea levels, and more frequent extreme weather events like floods, droughts and heat waves with undeniable health consequenc­es. Rising temperatur­es, humidity, and rainfall expand the range of diseasecar­rying vectors like mosquitoes, increasing the geographic­al spread and prevalence of such diseases,” he said.

While noting that floods and other extreme weather events also damage infrastruc­ture, hindering healthcare access for vulnerable population­s like women, children, and the elderly, he added that floodrelat­ed displaceme­nt, livelihood loss, and poor nutrition leave people susceptibl­e to malnutriti­on and diseases like malaria, cholera, gastroente­ritis, among others.

He said the ongoing cholera outbreak in the country comes as a stark reminder that when they fail to prioritise proper environmen­tal sanitation, “we leave the very things that sustain us; our food and water vulnerable to contaminat­ion, our public health jeopardise­d, our productivi­ty reduced and our economy adversely affected.”

The minister maintained that in the face of all the challenges posed to socio-economic and physical well-being by climate change and poor sanitation, the Federal Government of Nigeria through the Ministry of Environmen­t and other stakeholde­rs continues to deploy innovative policies and interventi­ons to safeguard current and future generation­s of Nigeria.

Salako however urged Nigerians to play their part and practicall­y demonstrat­e the power of collaborat­ion, cooperatio­n and synergy in making their communitie­s clean, sanitary and safe, saying, “Let’s remember that National Environmen­tal Sanitation is more than a day; sanitation and hygiene should be woven into the fabric of our daily lives.”

 ?? ?? „ Minister of State for Environmen­t Dr Iziaq Salako and the Dakachi of Chika Village HRH Chief Istifanus Cheloza during the National Sanitation Day event in Abuja recently.
„ Minister of State for Environmen­t Dr Iziaq Salako and the Dakachi of Chika Village HRH Chief Istifanus Cheloza during the National Sanitation Day event in Abuja recently.

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