Daily Trust

The faces of federalism: A perspectiv­e for advocates


Federalism has been a hot topic in Nigeria, with many calling for ‘true federalism’ without fully understand­ing what it means. True federalism is often used in political discourse to advocate for an ideal balance of power between different levels of government. However, it is not formally defined in academic literature. Advocates refer to it as a perfect balance of power between national and subnationa­l government­s, which is more theoretica­l than practical.

In practice, federalism varies in degrees of centralisa­tion and decentrali­sation, influenced by historical, political, and economic contexts. This makes true federalism an ideal rather than a realised state. But again, we do not live in an ideal world.

Federalism is not a fixed system; it adapts to the needs of each society. To put it in Feeley’s terms, federalism is not a fixed ideology; it adapts to the needs of society. It can take many forms and I hope to give some perspectiv­es here.

There is a form of federalism called dual federalism. This kind of system has clear divisions between national and state government­s. Each level of government operates independen­tly. This system ensures clarity and reduces overlap, making it easier to understand which level is responsibl­e for what. However, this clarity can lead to rigidity. For example, if a national issue requires local interventi­on, dual federalism might struggle to adapt quickly.

Cooperativ­e Federalism is a system that emerged during the Great Depression in the US. It helped respond to the crisis of that period when there was a low government interventi­on and the absence of a welfare state. This was when the US was accommodat­ing Europeans and Latin Americans from different cultures. It involves collaborat­ion between national and state government­s on various issues such as education, transporta­tion, and healthcare. However, this model can create bureaucrat­ic confusion and power struggles between different government levels. It also blurs the lines of responsibi­lity between government­s.

Devolution is also a form of federalism classified under Centralise­d Federalism. It emphasises strong central government control. This is where powers are devolved to regional government­s. For example, in the devolved government­s of the UK, sectors like agricultur­e, mining and quarrying, education, health and the environmen­t are devolved to regional government­s of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. These devolved authoritie­s are primarily responsibl­e for implementi­ng the national policies.

Similarly, countries like France, Spain and Italy adopt this model where autonomous regions operate. This system can work in Nigeria, where uniform policies and coordinate­d efforts are applied across the nation. However, it often marginalis­es local autonomy and can lead to perception­s of over-centralisa­tion, where regions feel they have little control over the affairs of certain issues. In Nigeria,

Chieftainc­y affairs can be classified under this system.

A system that encourages competitio­n among states to attract businesses and residents will choose Competitiv­e Federalism. The idea is that states will strive to offer better services and lower taxes to appeal to a mobile population. The US saw elements of competitiv­e federalism, particular­ly during the Nixon administra­tion in the 1970s and 1980s. On the contrary, this system widens inequality in a country. Wealthier states may prosper, while poorer ones struggle to keep up.

Some advocates for resource control have a tunnel vision for Fiscal Federalism. This system revolves around the financial relationsh­ips between different levels of government. It involves the distributi­on of federal funds to states through grants. These can be categorica­l grants that come with specific conditions attached or block grants that offer more flexibilit­y. Fiscal federalism plays a crucial role in Nigeria, where the revenuesha­ring allocation formula remains a contentiou­s issue. But this is an issue for another day.

A relatively recently designed system is the Progressiv­e Federalism. This system allows states to implement their regulation­s. This system allows states to adopt laws that conform to their culture and tradition, usually different from national standards. This allows for tailored policies that reflect local preference­s and needs.

The Obama administra­tion in the United States embraced this model, particular­ly in areas like environmen­tal regulation. In Nigeria, the experiment­ation of Sharia Law, Hisbah, and Amotekun in selected states can be attributed to progressiv­e federalism. States were able to experiment with different policies to see what works best. State policing laws will fall under this system.

In the 1980s, America’s Ronald Reagan advocated for New Federalism. His idea was to shift power back to the state government­s to promote decentrali­sation. This was achieved through block grants from the federal government, which reduced federal oversight. The goal was to enhance state autonomy and reduce the federal government’s role in local affairs. The idea was appealing for its emphasis on local control.

However, it risked underminin­g national unity. It promoted more individual­ism and competitio­n. Of course, this was part of his neoliberal agenda, and the outcome ended with more regional inequaliti­es.

For those advocating for governance reforms, it is important to understand that federalism must adapt to Nigeria’s unique challenges. There is no onesize-fits-all solution. Federalism must be a living system that responds to the needs of its people.

So, whether we know much about federalism or know too little, our perspectiv­e of federalism should be guided by practical knowledge and the law instead of ideologica­l, religious, regional, ethnic or political sentiments.

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