Daily Trust

Tinubu’s challenges and their solutions

- Zayyad I. Muhammad wrote from Abuja and can be reached via zaymohd@ yahoo.com

Like any previous government in Nigeria, President Bola Tinubu’s administra­tion is facing economic and political challenges. However, Tinubu’s situation is unique because these problems began on the day he assumed office and have since ballooned beyond pundits’ imaginatio­n. Many pundits had high expectatio­ns that a Tinubu-led government would implement exceptiona­l programmes that would be feasible and serve as the silver bullet for Nigeria’s socioecono­mic sectors. Unfortunat­ely, these expectatio­ns have been dashed due to slow results.

Furthermor­e, Tinubu came to power through many thorny paths, so all eyes are on him. For some, this attention is in hopes of his success, while others are eagerly waiting to see him fail.

The All Progressiv­es Congress (APC), Tinubu’s platform, came to power in 2015 and 2023, riding on massive support from its stronghold­s in the Southwest and the entire North. However, the APC and the Tinubu presidency are now facing the masses’ dissatisfa­ction from these stronghold­s.

Tinubu’s first problem is political: he has yet to consolidat­e his stronghold­s, especially in the North. President Tinubu’s method of using proxies to engage with the North is not yielding the desired results. For instance, many people who voluntaril­y campaigned for Tinubu in 2023 are not actively defending or promoting his programmes and projects in the North.

A typical example is some young people and the Ulamas who campaigned for the Tinubu/Shettima ticket. However, it is fair to say that these groups cannot advocate effectivel­y when the cost of living has skyrockete­d, and most people attribute this increase to the high pump price of petroleum products and the floating of the naira.

Secondly, Tinubu’s public relations and communicat­ion team is addressing the northern masses in ‘languages’ they do not understand. Meanwhile, the Southwest appears to be silently discontent­ed.

These dual problems—economic and political in the North and economic in the South—surprising­ly have one solution: ‘cheap rice and beans on the tables of the masses’. How can Tinubu achieve this? Tinubu can leverage this farming season in the North to address nearly 80 per cent of these issues. This is because 95 per cent of the high cost of living is food inflation.

First, the Tinubu presidency must acknowledg­e that the Lagos model is not working as effectivel­y on a national scale. Tinubu’s success in Lagos was evident, but its applicatio­n in Nigeria is not yielding the desired results. This was apparent when the Minister of Finance and Coordinati­ng Minister of the Economy, Wale Edun, recently granted an interview to Seun Okinbaloye of Channels TV. The minister provided just generic answers to questions about how to improve the livelihood­s of the masses. However, he did make a significan­t point by stating, “The decision to remove subsidies has made it possible for Nigeria to pay its debts both to the CBN and internatio­nally and has kept the reputation of the country intact.”

Additional­ly, the Tinubu government’s decision to continue the social investment programme of directly paying stipends to vulnerable Nigerians and initiating the student loan scheme is commendabl­e. However, the truth is, the subsidy removal shouldn’t have been in a haste; it should have been gradual while the government was learning and unlearning in the process. For example, the Petroleum Equalisati­on Fund should have been remodelled to function in the new system.

The best and quickest solution for Tinubu now is for the government to declare an emergency in the current farming season by providing massive direct support to farmers in the form of fertiliser, farm implements, pesticides, and herbicides. The cost of logistics should also be reduced through interventi­ons in the price of diesel and a healthy discussion with farm produce marketers who have a large stock of food items in their warehouse. If these measures are implemente­d and these players in the produce market are reached through less political and bureaucrat­ic channels, the price of foodstuffs and livestock will drop. Consequent­ly, the cost of living in Nigeria will become more affordable, food will be readily available, and prices will be lower. Tinubu’s biggest challenge today is the high cost of living and its 95 per cent food inflation.

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