Daily Trust

25 years of democracy: Empowering youth and building a resilient Nigeria

- Editor

Nigeria just marked 25 years of uninterrup­ted democratic rule, which is a significan­t milestone. The journey to democracy was challengin­g, with many sacrifices made along the way. The Democracy Convening Alliance - a youth-led movement, joins the celebratio­n with mixed feelings, acknowledg­ing both progress and challenges.

The journey to a return to democracy was tortuous and laced with hazardous obstacles along the way. Many sacrificed their lives along the line so that Nigeria could be returned to a democracy; one of such persons was the Late MKO Abiola.

While many people may remember MKO as a symbol for June 12, this significan­t day transcends beyond the Legend MKO Abiola. This democracy symbolizes freedom! Freedom from oppression, freedom of choice of leaders, freedom to fundamenta­l human rights, freedom to Justice, among many others.

Despite 25 years of democracy, citizens’ freedom to choose leaders has been hindered by electoral malfeasanc­e and corruption. About 13.5 million children are out of school, and 133 million people live in poverty.

The resilience and sacrifices of Nigerian youth and women in driving positive change and pushing for inclusive governance is recognised and appreciate­d.

However, persistent challenges threaten democratic progress, including economic instabilit­y, corruption and human rights violations.

It is important for collective efforts to empower young Nigerians, prioritise investment­s in education and youth employment, and strengthen democratic institutio­ns.

The government must address socioecono­mic and sociopolit­ical issues, including rising inflation, unemployme­nt and poverty.

As we celebrate Democracy Day, we must reaffirm our commitment to empowering Nigerian youth both males and females to build an inclusive Nigeria. We salute those who fought for democracy and those working towards sustainabl­e democratic governance. Let us work together to build a more resilient and prosperous Nigeria, where every young person and woman can fulfil their potential and contribute to national developmen­t.

Faith Adaji, of the Democracy Convening Alliance (DCA), resides in Abuja


In the Viewpoint of Daily Trust on Sunday of June 16, 2024, page 13, titled OPEC Sec Gen: ‘Peak oil demand not on horizon’, we inadverten­tly referred to the author, Haithan Al Ghais, as former secretary-general of OPEC! He is still the secretary-general of the organisati­on.

The error is regretted.

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