Daily Trust

AMAC Marshals still intact — Boss

...Commends Maikalangu over salary

- By Hussein Yahaya

The Marshal-General of the security outfit of the Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) in the FCT, known as AMAC Marshals, Kasimu Ishayu Chicha, has assured residents of the council that the rural security outfit is still intact and not disbanded as reported in some quarters.

Chicha also commended AMAC’s Chairman, Christophe­r Zakka Maikalangu, over the payment of three months outstandin­g salary to the marshals working at the AMAC secretaria­t.

Addressing journalist­s on Thursday, Chicha, said the payment would motivate the officers to continue dischargin­g their duties with regards to partnering security agencies in the protection of lives and property.

He said, “Since his assumption of office, the Executive Chairman of AMAC, Hon Christophe­r Zakka Maikalangu, has always had the interest of AMAC residents at heart. His love for the activities of AMAC Marshals necessitat­ed his payment of some of the outstandin­g salaries of the marshals working in the secretaria­t despite meagre resources of the council.

“Though the morale of the officers has been low for a long time, the payment will motivate them to continue dischargin­g their duties in the protection of lives and property of AMAC residents, especially with regards to partnershi­p with security agencies.

“As you know, AMAC Marshals is a separate security company of the council approved by the DSS and NSCDC. We have recorded numerous achievemen­ts, including the arrest of a Boko Haram member at the Utako Market and dislodging criminals in Karshi.

“I also want to use this opportunit­y to, once again, tell the public that AMAC Marshals was never disbanded at any time. The fake news was planted in the media by some desperate political hoodlums without the chairman’s knowledge.”

He appealed to the chairman and other stakeholde­rs to do more to make sure AMAC Marshals did not die.

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