Daily Trust

Lessons from South African elections

- No. 20 P.O.W. Mafemi Crescent, Off Solomon Lar Way, Utako District, Abuja

South Africans went to the polls with much expectatio­ns riding both on the conduct of the elections and the outcome. In the build up to the elections there were indication­s that a seismic political change was about to happen with issues ranging from disappoint­ment felt against the ruling African National Congress (ANC), the rising political fortunes of the main opposition political party the Democratic Alternativ­e (DA) as well fringe parties like Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) led by Julius Malema and uMkhonto we Sizwe of former President Jacob Zuma.

Although the elections took place under a lot of tension, mainly as a result of incendiary rhetorics by the candidates of the parties, it was much to the credit of the South Africans that the election turned out to be free, fair and peaceful. Much of the credit for that goes to the Electoral Commission of South Africa, the organisers of the election which ensured a level playing field for all the parties and their candidates. The Commission also provided the necessary election materials throughout the country and scrupulous­ly kept to the schedule of the election time table and process.

It was this efficient attention to detail by the South African electoral commission that largely contribute­d to the peaceful and commendabl­e conduct and outcome of the elections which foreign election observers attested to.

The election recorded an impressive 60% voter turnout, 90% polling units opening on time, and near absence of technical or human glitches. There was also provision for diaspora voting and real time updates on the election as it progressed.

Going into the election, several permutatio­ns indicated that the ruling ANC was losing ground, especially among its core support areas, the black segment of the country’s population. This was due mainly to the widespread allegation of corruption against the party and failure to keep to its pledges to uplift the condition of the black population. Many black South Africans are disappoint­ed and dismayed that the party of Madiba Nelson Mandela had been performing poorly over the years since the overthrow of the apartheid system. Poverty levels among South Africans, especially among blacks have heightened to a dangerous point of near social revolt. The ever widening social and economic gap between the black and white population­s is reaching alarming proportion­s.

There was also the rearing head of ethnic sentiments thrown into the campaigns. This was mainly what embattled former president Jacob Zuma, who was expelled from the ANC, due to his conviction on corruption charges and anti-party activities, sought to pursue. Charismati­c and hugely popular in his home base of Kwazulu Natal province, Zuma tried to turn the tables against the ANC by rallying round his Zulu people in the run up to the elections.

The main opposition party, Democratic Alternativ­e, a coalition of mostly white and coloured people based in the Eastern Cape region of the country is largely seen suspicious­ly as a rear guard party of the old white supremacis­t, Afrikaner based National Party, which ruled South Africa and was responsibl­e for installing the now dismantled apartheid system during its ruling days.

Then there is the radical EFF of the charismati­c Julius Malema, whose fiery rhetoric on land reforms and transfer of economic rights to black South Africans unsettles even some of the blacks.

The outcome of the elections in which the ruling ANC saw its near strangleho­ld on power reduced from 90% when it first came to power in 1994, to 40% in the elections puts South Africa on a political knife edge. The result of the election puts the DA at 21%, Zuma’s MK party at 14% and EFF at 9%.

Lacking a clear parliament­ary majority to form a government for the first time since it came to power, the ANC needs either to rule by forming a coalition with two of the parties or a government of national unity, involving all the four major parties. All these point to a tense political stand-off in the coming days as South African political leaders struggle to hammer out a political solution to the log jam.

But to the rest of Africa, especially Nigeria and beyond, the South African elections offers lessons in electoral organisati­on and conduct by the electoral umpire and political parties, nuanced issue-based politics devoid of ethnic and religious colouratio­n, transparen­cy and non-interferen­ce in the electoral process.

It was these factors that enabled the peaceful conduct and outcome of the South African elections in which all the political parties invested their faith, leading to the commendabl­e rancour-free election atmosphere in the country. On this score the South Africans have set a standard worthy of emulation by African states struggling to deepen their democratic processes.

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