Daily Trust

Take urgent action to end rising hardship, starvation, Bishop urges Tinubu, govs

- By Dalhatu Liman

As Nigeria grapples with increasing hardship and starvation, Bishop Sunday Ndukwo Onuoha, has urged President Bola Tinubu and the state governors to take urgent action to alleviate the suffering of the people.

Dr Onuoha, who is the president and founder of Vision Africa Internatio­nal, stressed the pressing need for tangible actions to uplift the masses from the depths of poverty and hunger. In a statement titled, “Listen to the Cries of the Poor Now to Avert Anarchy” released in Umuahia, the Abia State capital, Onuoha highlighte­d the realities faced by Nigerians, emphasisin­g the urgency of the situation.

He described the prevailing conditions as dire, with many families struggling to secure even a single meal each day, let alone knowing where their next meal would come from.

Dr Onuoha called on both the federal and state government­s to expedite the implementa­tion of measures aimed at curbing the skyrocketi­ng prices of essential commoditie­s. He stressed that the visible suffering and desperatio­n among the populace necessitat­ed immediate interventi­on.

Expressing concern over the apparent disconnect between government promises and actions, Onuoha urged the authoritie­s to revisit their electoral manifestos and commitment­s to the people.

He emphasised the need for elected officials to honour their pledges, warning against the erosion of public trust resulting from unfulfille­d promises. Furthermor­e, he cautioned against the potential eruption of social unrest, citing the palpable discontent and frustratio­n among the populace. He stressed the imperative for government responsive­ness to the grievances of the governed to forestall any escalation of tensions.

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