Daily Trust

Consolidat­ion: Buni pledges more investment­s in security, education, healthcare, others


As part of efforts towards consolidat­ing the gains so far recorded across many sectors, Yobe State Governor Mai Mala Buni has said his administra­tion will sustain its investment­s in security, education and healthcare delivery and others.

According to him, this is with a view to enhancing the post-insurgency recovery process necessitat­ed by the decade long insurgency in the North East.

Buni stated this at the Governor’s Office in Damaturu on Tuesday while briefing journalist­s as part of activities to mark the first year of his second term.

The governor, represente­d by the Secretary to the State Government, Alhaji Baba Mallam Wali, said as a government sworn-in with the mandate to consolidat­e on the gains recorded in security, improve healthcare, education, economy among other basic amenities destroyed by the Boko Haram insurgents, his administra­tion would continue to invest heavily in all sectors for a better Yobe.

He said his administra­tion’s slogan remained consolidat­ion, indicating continuati­on on the achievemen­ts of the previous administra­tions by completing all the projects inherited, including gains on security and initiating new ones.

“As most of us here may recall when we took over the mantle of leadership on 29th May, 2019, there were many communitie­s that remained inaccessib­le due to the threat posed by the insurgents in Gujba and Gulani Local Government Areas.

“With our commitment backed by the Federal Government, gallantry of the security operatives,

complement­ary efforts of the vigilante groups and the persistent prayers of our people, normalcy has returned to the insurgency mostravage­d areas and reconstruc­tion, resettleme­nt and rehabilita­tion of communitie­s e.g Buni-yadi have been developed while that of Malamdunar­i is being carried out satisfacto­rily at present.

“In almost all parts of the State, people are now moving about pursuing their legitimate goals without hindrance.

“You may recall during my inaugural speeches in 2019 and 2023, I informed Yobeans of our commitment to the provision of functional and standard primary healthcare system at ward level, secondary healthcare system at Local Government headquarte­rs, specialist care at zonal levels and tertiary care in the State capital with the aim of achieving universal health coverage throughout the State.

“To achieve our target of providing one functional primary healthcare center in each of the 178 Electoral wards of the State, so far 140 have been completed and commission­ed. We have also procured and launched 88 customized tricycle ambulances and distribute­d them to the remote areas to ease movement of patients to the health centers.

“The Yobe State Contributo­ry Healthcare Management Agency (YSCHMA) was establishe­d and over 300,000 people including civil servants and other members of the general public have enrolled in the scheme.

“The scheme enables patients to pay only 10% of the total cost of medication. The Yobe State Drugs and Medical Consumable Management Agency (YODMA) was also establishe­d with a total drugs worth over N2.3 Billion to address drugs and medical supply system needs of the State,” Buni said.

The governor also said that his administra­tion had, in the last five years, succeeded in the provision of infrastruc­ture, teaching and learning materials as well as the employment of teachers for primary and secondary schools while tertiary institutio­ns received the required attention for better progress.

“The education sector was worsthit during the period of insurgency as the dogma of the insurgents prohibited western education. Their attacks were seriously on school structures, teachers and students.

“The killings, maiming, trauma and the structural destructio­n were too enormous for us to contend with. This necessitat­ed us to immediatel­y declare a state of emergency on education.

“This was followed by the convening of the Education Summit, constituti­on of Committee on Revitaliza­tion of Basic and Secondary Education and later on,

Yobe State Education Trust Fund.

“In this regard, we have been able to establish six new Model Schools, seven Mega Schools, nine new Government Girls Day Senior Secondary Schools, eight new Coeducatio­n Government Day Senior Secondary Schools and additional one for boys across the State.

“One IDP School was also establishe­d in Buni Yadi. All these were in addition to constructi­on of new classes, laboratori­es, ICT centers, hostels and other vital structures as well as provision of teaching and learning materials to primary, secondary and tertiary institutio­ns of learning for the attainment of conducive learning atmosphere for our students and pupils.

“Over 4,000 teaching and nonteachin­g staff were recruited and posted to various primary and secondary schools, and 26,000 teachers were trained or retrained to enhance their capacities,” he said.

Buni added that his administra­tion was able to resuscitat­e moribund industries in addition to the constructi­on of five new modern markets three of which are completed and commission­ed.

“In our continuous efforts to boost commerce and promote industrial­ization, we have reactivate­d the Sahel Aluminum Company, Yobe Flour and Feed Mills Company and Pre-stressed Concrete Pole Company.

“We have so far completed and commission­ed the Ibrahim Geidam Ultra Modern Market, Damaturu; Senator Ahmed I. Lawan Modern Market, Gashua and the Sheikh Ngibirima Ultra Modern Market, Nguru while constructi­on works are ongoing in Geidam and Potiskum Markets,” he said.

 ?? ?? One of seven Mega Schools built by the Buni administra­tion across Yobe State
One of seven Mega Schools built by the Buni administra­tion across Yobe State

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