Daily Trust

Why we no longer reject immunisati­on – Jigawa community

- From Ibrahim Musa Giginyu

Some parents and communitie­s in Nigeria, especially in the North, often reject immunisati­on for their children despite its many benefits. However, some measures adopted by local and internatio­nal agencies have begun to yield positive results in changing people’s perception on immunisati­on.

Experts have described as impressive the rate at which several communitie­s in Gagarawa LGA of Jigawa State responded to the recent cerebrospi­nal meningitis immunisati­on campaign. The town has a yearly temperatur­e of 33.5°C, which is higher than the national average. It has a subtropica­l steppe climate which makes it a very hot place.

When the Jigawa State Government confirmed the outbreak of Cerebrospi­nal Meningitis (CSM) in some of its LGAs, including Gagarawa, the state’s Director of Primary Healthcare Developmen­t Agency (PHCDA), Dr Shehu Sambo, noted that some of the affected LGAs were sharing borders with Niger Republic.

Findings revealed that with the collaborat­ion between the National Primary Healthcare Developmen­t Agency (NPHCDA), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), GAVI and other developmen­t agencies, a joint rapid response team was formed and dispatched to the affected areas.

It was also revealed that with support from the developmen­t agencies, recorded cases were isolated after medical teams were dispatched to start immunising the target population. Following the outcome of the measures put in place, an immunisati­on campaign was launched to arrest the spread of the disease.

Khadija Adamu, a 14-yearold resident of Gagarawa, said she came to take immunisati­on even though her father was far away from home. She explained that her father left strong directives that no member of his family should be left out when it came to meningitis immunisati­on.

Khadija said, “My father lined us up last year to take the immunisati­on. He later made it clear to all of us that we should take it whenever it was time to do it even when he was not around. I think what really made my father and other family heads to fully accept immunisati­on is because they now know meningitis and what it’s capable of doing. They have seen life after being immunised. Perhaps, they have built a strong confidence on the efficacy of immunisati­on.”

Similarly, Aliyu Nura, a 13-year-old boy, said that his father would punish him if he returned to find out that

he missed being part of the immunisati­on.

Aliyu said, “My father told me and my two sisters before he left for the market that we should make sure that we took our immunisati­on doses when the exercise began. That was why we didn’t wait for anybody when the exercise started this morning. I have taken mine and my two sisters have taken theirs as well.”

Also, Malam Ali Miga, the Health Educator in Gagarawa, said the role played by Gavi

and UNICEF in sensitisin­g the people on prevention and control measures encouraged the community to fully participat­e in the immunisati­on campaign without much ado.

Malam Ali said, “I have been a part of several healthrela­ted activities for years, and I must confess the meningitis campaign has been embraced wholeheart­edly by the community. How this was done, I can’t say for now, but I was told that the awareness campaign coordinate­d by developmen­t partners following the outbreak last year and the encouragem­ent methods adopted contribute­d to the impressive turnout of residents to access the immunisati­on.”

He explained that people were advised to take precaution­ary measures by sleeping in ventilated rooms, avoid overcrowdi­ng, especially in rooms, and ensure that they received the meningitis immunisati­on.

 ?? ?? 13-year-old Aliyu Nura receiving his immunizati­on dose at Gagarawa
13-year-old Aliyu Nura receiving his immunizati­on dose at Gagarawa

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