Daily Trust

Strengthen­ing national capacities for debt management crucial – Cardoso

- By Sunday Michael Ogwu

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Governor, Mr. Olayemi Cardoso has said Strengthen­ing national capacities for debt management is crucial for meeting the government’s funding needs both now and in the future in a costeffect­ive and risk-conscious manner.

Cardoso made the call while delivering a keynote address at the regional training on Annual Borrowing Plan (ABP) developmen­t jointly organized by the World Bank, the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF) and

West African Institute for Financial and Economic Management (WAIFEM) in Abuja, yesterday.

Cardoso said: “In today’s interconne­cted world. Effective debt management is not just a technical exercise but a strategic necessity. It ensures that government­s can finance critical investment­s in infrastruc­ture, education, healthcare, and other essential services without jeopardizi­ng the well-being of future generation­s.

He said West African Countries must prioritize building a balanced and resilient debt portfolio.

He argues that at the core of sound public debt management is the Debt Management Strategy (DMS) – a formal plan devised by the government to achieve its debt management objectives. “These objectives typically include securing necessary financing at the lowest possible cost while prudently managing risk. Additional­ly, developing the domestic debt market may also be a key objective in certain instances.”

In his welcome remarks, Director-General WAIFEM, Dr. Baba Yusuf Musa said debt managers grapple with unique challenges, including volatile commodity prices, elevated debt levels, limited fiscal space, fluctuatin­g exchange rates, and rising borrowing costs.

He said: “These challenges pose significan­t threats to debt sustainabi­lity, macroecono­mic stability, growth prospects, and, ultimately, the well-being of the citizens. In this context, sound public debt management strategies and well-articulate­d borrowing plans are more critical than ever.”

He said this particular training on Annual Borrowing Plan (ABP) Developmen­t is designed to address this issue by providing a structured framework for operationa­lising the MTDS annually.

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