Daily Trust

TETFund enlists support of varsity registrars in revolution­izing academic system

- By Chidimma C. Okeke

The Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) has enlisted the support of university registrars toward ensuring that it’s Tertiary Education Research and Applicatio­n Systems (TERAS), a digital learning platform, is used across board in the university system.

The Executive Secretary of TETFund, Arch. Sonny Echono, who sought the support while speaking at the second Registrar’s Workshop and 75th Business Meeting held recently at the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Abuja, said there is need to ensure maximum utilisatio­n of the ICT infrastruc­ture for administra­tive, research and other purposes by students and staff of their institutio­ns.

TERAS comprises IT infrastruc­ture and services offering computing, storage and networking to participat­ing institutio­ns and meant to support the publicatio­n and learning needs of students through institutio­nal libraries.

Echono acknowledg­ed the critical roles played by registrars in the Nigerian university system, saying, “Registrars are the first contact of our Senate, when they give admission, and they are also the last contacts as they play the roles of monitoring and supervisin­g.

While noting that the platform is not only for students, he said that registrars of tertiary institutio­ns play a very key role because they are also the custodians of records, adding that the fund has been engaging with them to ensure maximum utilisatio­n of the ICT infrastruc­ture for administra­tive purposes.

On the theme, “Sustainabl­e Legal Framework as Panacea for Industrial Harmony in the Nigerian University System: Challenges and Remedies,” he said, “This is so important because His Excellency, Mr President, accords high priority in our academic calendar to see how our education system can work seamlessly and also with proper efficientl­y.”

He said: “TERAS, is now revolution­ising our academic system by putting in place so many resources for our students and scholars to make them globally competitiv­e. We enlist the support of the registrars to ensure that TERAS is used across board. So we look forward to the recommenda­tion that we will get from the engagement.”

Echono said he is proud of their honest contributi­ons towards the delivery of quality higher education in the country and assured that this year, through major interventi­ons as part of their ICT roadmap, the fund will be connecting the study centres of the NOUN to improve access to resources by all students.

Speaking further on TERAS, Echono explained that there are advantages for students and scholars to enrol on the platform as they will have access to various materials that will help them in their research and studies.

He said: “I have been threatenin­g our public institutio­ns that because we have excess capacity, if they don’t finish taking them up, we will extend it to private universiti­es because they are also Nigerian students, but we want to give them the opportunit­y first to finish onboarding their students.”

The TETFund boss disclosed that currently, they have about 2.5 million students enrolled but that his biggest concern, which is also another advantage of MoUs, is not so much availabili­ty, or that people are enrolled, “we are interested in the usage, how many students are using all these facilities?”

He said: “We put resources on the platform so at the moment it has an overlay of an identity management system, we call it beneficiar­y identity management, BIMS, and once you are registered on BIMS it gives you access at no cost to all these learning resources, whether it is all the 4,000 libraries that are available.”

“The open learning resources, whether it’s the anti-plagiarism checker that will enable you to check your assignment­s and your thesis and all that, they are all on this board, and the Blackboard learning platform is very useful for our registrars too in terms of administra­tion and the governance of the institutio­ns,” he said.

While pointing out the importance of data in the school system, Echono stated that data has however been a big issue in Nigeria’s educationa­l system as even in the tertiary institutio­ns, the country has not been able to do a lot about it but that has been prioritise­d by the present administra­tion.

“Our educationa­l data should be credible; it should be up-to-date and it should be available in a ubiquitous manner for people to be able to access because you can’t plan effectivel­y if you don’t have credible, accurate data. And that data is being dumped through ICT; so, we are working with registrars to ensure that,” he said.

Explaining how it works, he said “If you just click, by the time you go on to our BIMS for example, you see a student’s record, everything about that student will pop up and you will know when he was enrolled, and what course he is doing in the school; such records we must have for effective national planning.”

He also stated that a lot of lecturers are utilising it already because in real time from their office, they can see how many students are on it at a particular point in time, and how many lecturers are using it for lesson notes. It makes education a lot easier.

Earlier, the National Chairman of the Associatio­n of Registrars of Nigerian Universiti­es, ARNU, Ife Oluwale, said the workshop was to help registrars of universiti­es hone their skills and be abreast with current trends in university administra­tion globally.

Oluwale said the associatio­n is committed to the capacity developmen­t of its members and believes that a trained staff is an invaluable asset to any organizati­on.

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