Daily Trust

Housing ministry inaugurate­s SERVICOM unit to boost delivery

- By Philip Shimnom Clement

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Developmen­t, Dr Marcus Ogunbiyi, has charged the newly inaugurate­d Ministeria­l Servicom Unit (MSU) to remain committed to delivering the housing mandate of the country.

The permanent secretary gave this charge at the sensitizat­ion, inaugurati­on and induction ceremony of the Ministeria­l Servicom Unit (MSU), held in Abuja, a statement by Badamasi Salisu Haiba, Director of Informatio­n and Public Relations in the ministry has said.

Explaining the concept of Servicom as a service acceptable to the citizens and the right of every Nigerian to obtain quality service from service providers, the permanent secretary said the committee was establishe­d in order to promote effective and efficient service delivery, as well as to ensure customer satisfacti­on in MDA’s.

“We, as service providers, are change agents for service excellence and so should put up actions that reflect the name; this means that everyone who comes to our offices for service is expected to walk out satisfied and fulfilled, he explained.

Ogunbiyi urged the committee to maintain a high level of comportmen­t in representi­ng the Ministry and also to acquaint themselves with knowledge of the Servicom core values to guide them to achieve customer satisfacti­on and project the good image of the ministry.

Accordingl­y, the permanent secretary encouraged the inductees to discharge their duties effectivel­y with every sense of responsibi­lity and in accordance with the law, bearing in mind that it is the right of the customer to always obtain quality service.

Speaking earlier, the National Coordinato­r Servicom Office, Mrs Nnenna Akajemili, described Servicom as a unique administra­tive commitment designed to honour the government’s pledge to serve the people of Nigeria satisfacto­rily, adding that Servicom focuses on the quality of contact between the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Developmen­t and her stakeholde­rs as well as intending home owners.

She noted that the inaugurati­on of the Ministeria­l Servicom Unit of the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Developmen­t would enhance the service delivery initiative of the federal government with respect to the provision of affordable housing for Nigerians.

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