Daily Trust

Mesmerisin­g optical illusion shows if others see you as ‘stubborn’ or ‘trustworth­y’

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If you think you’re a trustworth­y person - it’s time to put your traits to the test. Optical illusions are a great way to delve deep into our minds - and they can tell us a lot about our personalit­y traits. A new mindboggli­ng puzzle has dropped which claims to determine if you’re the type of person who always wants your own way or if you’re trustworth­y and people are “grateful” to be around you. The mesmerisin­g optical illusion shows both a forest and a woman, and TikToker Mia Yilin, who regularly takes to the platform to share her interpreta­tions of optical illusions, has revealed that what you see first depicts your personalit­y. So, when you look at the image, what do you see? If you spotted the forest first, this means you’re stubborn, according to optical illusion guru. Mia explained: “’If you first saw the forest, then you’re quite a stubborn person in the eyes of others and like to have things your way. You’re also confident and discipline­d. Even though you may seem carefree, you actually feel very anxious and uncertain about the future.” Whereas those who saw the trees first seek “peace” and “stability”. Mia said: “You tend to be rather secretive about your struggles and don’t like being vulnerable in front of other people.” Some may have spotted the woman first and this means they’re “content”, Mia suggested. “You’re quite content with how things are right now. This doesn’t mean that you reject change, but you’d just rather not surround yourself with baseless fantasies,” and further detailed: “You can be a bit judgmental at times, but you’re very morally righteous and emotionall­y intelligen­t. “It’s amazing psychology,” one TikToker chimed, and a fourth said: “Saw the woman and it’s all true.”

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