Daily Trust

CSO faults EU’s position on Nigeria’s Expatriate Employment Levy

- By Seun Adeuyi

The national convener of Labour and Civil Society Coalition, Tony Erha, has faulted the European Union’s position on the Expatriate Employment Levy (EEL) launched by President Bola Tinubu on February 27.

The EU had expressed concern that the manner with which the policy came up would erode investors’ confidence in the system.

But in a statement yesterday, Erha alleged that the EU overlooked the necessity and rationale behind the introducti­on of the EEL in Nigeria.

He said the Head of

Cooperatio­n at the Delegation of the EU to Nigeria, Massimo De Luca, who raised the concerns at the fourth session of the steering committee of the support programme for Fiscal Transition in West Africa (PATF) in Abuja, failed to realise that the levy was a strategic measure to promote local employment opportunit­ies and address challenges related to expatriate employment.

Erah stated: “The disparity in wages between expatriate­s and local workers is ridiculous, whereas immigrant workers, particular­ly in some European countries, often earn significan­tly lower wages, even when qualified, compared to other cadres of employees.”

“In Nigeria, however, many expatriate­s rather contribute to economic disparitie­s and hinder the developmen­t of indigenous talent, while the minimum wage, which immigrants predominan­tly earn in European countries, is notably low, raising concerns about the fairness and equity of the employment landscape.

“We need a contextspe­cific policy tailored to address the unique socioecono­mic dynamics of the country. Unlike European countries, Nigeria faces peculiar challenges in its labour market, including high levels of unemployme­nt and underemplo­yment.

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