Whanganui Chronicle

Nature Inspired Interiors

- Opinion: Kem Ormond

What is Biophilic Interior Design?

I find any interior that has been inspired by nature to be calming and relaxing. When looking for decorating ideas, I often would see the word Biophilic Interiors pop up and I decided to get a better understand­ing as to what that is.

Biophilic interior design is all about incorporat­ingww the natural world into everyday environmen­ts.

Whether you are giving your living room a refresh or doing a complete home overhaul, this design trend aims to create a direct connection with nature. This can be done by using an all-natural palette or bringing natural patterns and gorgeous organic textures into your design.

The more natural elements that you introduce into your home, no matter the size or amount, the more health and well-being benefits you unlock. You will notice that a lot of companies who are looking to boost employee engagement are keen to introduce this design into their workspaces. As a homeowner or renter, there is no reason why you can’t use it just as effectivel­y in your own home and enjoy the benefits at the same time.

Introducin­g nature into your home

If you are wanting to introduce nature into your home, it is relatively easy to do.

First of all, the colour palette needs to warm but understate­d, what I would describe as earthy colours. These include various shades of brown, green, grey, taupe and even mustard. When it comes to fabrics, cotton, linen and wool is a good selection to start with.

Indoor plants definitely make you feel like you have nature close at hand. It really does feel good to have that greenery around your home. If new to raising houseplant­s, I would suggest the hardier ones are good to start with rather than the prettier ones that tend to be a bit trickier to keep looking good as well as alive! . . . . from personal experience I might add.

Dried flowers, a collection of leafy plates on the wall, a pottery bowl filled with shells, rattan baskets, comfy throws, wooden lampshade bases, a touch of recycled furniture and woven mats will add a feel of nature to your rooms.

A linen duvet cover and pillow covers as well as linen curtains will also add the atmosphere you are looking for.

Pick some flowers from the garden to brighten up a room. I picked some flowers from my shiny angelica the other day and they looked stunning in a white vase .

Make a piece of artwork from nature or collect some colourful leaves to scatter in a large bowl along with a few gumnuts, there are so many things you can gather from nature to add interest and enjoyment to your home.

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