Whanganui Chronicle

Eye-catching images earn national recognitio­n

Photograph­er finds inspiratio­n on road trips

- Alyssa Smith

An old hunter’s shack in Taranaki and the Rātana church in Raetihi were the subjects of two awardwinni­ng photograph­s. The photos, taken by Whanganui photograph­er Brad Mosen, were highly commended and commended at the inaugural New Zealand Amateur Photograph­y Awards. While the results were announced only last week, Mosen said he entered the contest in June.

“This is the first national competitio­n I’ve entered so it’s exciting to come away with awards for both of my entries.”

Unlike other competitio­ns, entries for the New Zealand Amateur Photograph­y Awards didn’t have to be taken in a certain timeframe.

“This appealed to me. Usually, you can only submit photos you took the year before. I selected two of my alltime favourite images and thought I’d see what other people thought.

“I’m really happy to receive an award for both of my images. I’ve entered the Whanganui Arts Review but never a national competitio­n.”

The Stratford shack image, which received a commended award, was taken during a trip with his wife, Keeley Eastwood.

“This was many years ago. We road-trip all around the place and I had seen the shack. I thought it’d make for a great photo.”

Mosen said his highly commended image of the Rātana church was taken during another road trip.

“It’s such an iconic building and a beautiful piece of Māori architectu­re that I managed to capture a few years ago.”

His love for photograph­y was inspired by his granddad, he said.

“He used to work for Kodak so he’d bring home these amazing antique and collectors’ cameras. When I was in high school, I started in the darkroom. Developing your images was a lot different back in the day.”

Mosen exhibits his photograph­y during joint exhibition­s with Eastwood.

“She’s an amazing printmaker and painter. We’ve had exhibition­s locally here in Whanganui but we’ve gone further afield to the Lysaght Watt

It’s such an iconic building and a beautiful piece of Mā ori architectu­re that I managed to capture a few years ago. Brad Mosen

Gallery in Hāwera and Fenton Street Art Collective in Stratford.”

He plans to enter the next Amateur Photograph­y Awards.

“I want to challenge myself, see if I can do better. Photograph­y has always been a hobby but it’s turned into a passion.”

 ?? Photo / Brad Mosen ?? This photo of an old hunting shack in Stratford, Taranaki, was commended at the New Zealand Amateur Photograph­y Awards.
Photo / Brad Mosen This photo of an old hunting shack in Stratford, Taranaki, was commended at the New Zealand Amateur Photograph­y Awards.
 ?? Photo / Brad Mosen ?? This photo of the Rā tana church in Raetihi won highly commended in the New Zealand Amateur Photograph­y Awards.
Photo / Brad Mosen This photo of the Rā tana church in Raetihi won highly commended in the New Zealand Amateur Photograph­y Awards.

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