Whanganui Chronicle

Potholes take toll on vehicles driving SH3

- Eva de Jong

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) has received seven reports of cars being damaged by multiple potholes on a stretch of recently repaired state highway.

Whanganui motorist Holly Kyte hit the potholes last week, damaging her vehicle, when driving on State Highway 3 near Bulls.

She said NZTA had been “quite responsive” when she contacted the agency to try for compensati­on, but an outcome has not yet been reached.

NZTA principal project manager Chris Nally said as of yesterday seven reports of damaged vehicles had been received and NZTA was currently working with its contractor to further investigat­e.

“We are currently in communicat­ion with these customers.”

Kyte said the potholes left dents and bent both rims of the wheels on the left-hand side of her car.

The potholes were temporaril­y repaired last week and were being actively monitored, Nally said.

“When weather and ground conditions are suitable, we will undertake a permanent repair.

“This will involve cutting away the top of the pavement where the potholes have formed and laying new pavement; this can only be completed in dry conditions.”

The potholes formed after removal of line markings, undertaken as part of the SH3 Whanganui to Bulls safety improvemen­ts, after heavy rain last weekend.

Since February, NZTA has completed road widening, lane remarking and installed six stretches of flexible median barrier on SH3 between Turakina and Bulls.

A short section of roadside safety barrier was also installed before the SH3/Pukepapa Rd intersecti­on to prevent people crashing into a large drop-off.

Last month, the Government announced it would spend $4 billion over the next three years fixing and preventing potholes on state highways and roads nationwide.

Transport Minister Simeon Brown said the Government’s new pothole repair targets agreed between NZTA and roading contractor­s include:

• 95% of potholes on high-volume, national and arterial state highways to be repaired within 24 hours of identifica­tion

• 85% of potholes on regional, primary collector, and secondary collector state highways to be repaired within 24 hours of identifica­tion.

NZTA strongly advises all road users to drive to the conditions when they see a pothole, slow down and when it is safe to do so, report the pothole and its location to 0800 4 HIGHWAYS.

 ?? ?? The wheel rims of Holly Kyte’s vehicle were bent by the impact of the potholes on State Highway 3 near Bulls.
The wheel rims of Holly Kyte’s vehicle were bent by the impact of the potholes on State Highway 3 near Bulls.

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