Waikato Herald


102 people are reported missing here each month

- Maryana Garcia

Waikato police received 1532 missing persons reports in 15 months, data obtained under the Official Informatio­n Act has revealed. That averages 3.4 people reported missing each day in the region during that time, or almost 24 per week.

Of these missing people, all but 16 have been found.

According to the data, obtained by the Waikato Herald under the Official Informatio­n Act, there were 1532 missing persons reported in Waikato between January 1, 2023 and March 31 this year.

Within the same period, 1516 missing persons were found.

Among the people found was teenager Meela Black.

Meela was reported missing on April 14. Police announced she had been found on April 21.

Police have thanked the public for reporting informatio­n to help find the missing teenager.

“The girl reported missing from a shopping centre in Te Rapa, Hamilton late Sunday morning has been located safe and well,” a police statement read.

“Police would like to thank members of the public who reported informatio­n to assist in locating her.”

Among the 16 still listed as missing as of April 30 is 79-year-old Judy Donovan.

Donovan hasn’t been seen since

March 23, when the experience­d tramper disappeare­d while laying bait lines in Pureora Forest, between Te Kūiti and Lake Taupō.

She became separated from her companions, sparking a large search that included LANDSAR volunteers, dogs, Canyon Search and Rescue and thermal imaging by the police Eagle helicopter.

The search of the 78,000-hectare forest reserve, which has a thick canopy, multiple waterways and waterfalls, was suspended on April 6.

A police spokespers­on said on Friday that searchers returned to the area almost a month later, when police used Search and Rescue cadaver dogs on May 1 and 2.

Specialist support from Search and

Rescue and LANDSAR was also used, the spokespers­on said.

“Unfortunat­ely, Judy was not found.”

Police were now reviewing all material, and further searches would be considered if new informatio­n became available.

“Hunters and trampers in the Pureora Forest area are encouraged to contact police if they notice anything out of place, such as pieces of clothing or camping equipment.

“It’s important if you see something to lock the location on your GPS and include that informatio­n in your report to police - that way we can pinpoint areas to focus our efforts.”

 ?? Photo / Paul Martin ?? Papanui Point from Ruapuke Beach near Raglan. a man is still missing nearby.
Photo / Paul Martin Papanui Point from Ruapuke Beach near Raglan. a man is still missing nearby.
 ?? Photo / Supplied ?? Pureora Forest was searched for missing auckland woman Judy Donovan, 79. She has not been seen since March 23.
Photo / Supplied Pureora Forest was searched for missing auckland woman Judy Donovan, 79. She has not been seen since March 23.

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