The Southland Times

Peacehaven dementia project within range

- Michael Fallow

Southlande­rs have rallied behind Presbyteri­an Support Southland’s project to provide more beds for people with the most advanced dementia levels. Less than six months after launching the $386,000 project to provide six more psychogeri­atric dementia beds at Peacehaven Village in Invercargi­ll, only $55,417 is left to raise.

PSS chief executive Matt Russell was delighted the cause had resonated with individual­s, community groups and community fundraiser­s.

“As is so often the case in Southland, the community has pulled together to get behind an important project for the region,’’ he said. Despite financiall­y challengin­g times, community funders had contribute­d, particular­ly the ILT Foundation, Stewart Family Charitable Trust, PH Vickery Trust, Guy Anson Waddel Charitable Trust and Aotearoa Gaming Trust.

Several private donors had also proven generous.

The project involves creating the additional bedrooms as part of an upgrade of Peacehaven’s Enliven Iona dementia care unit, by repurposin­g office and storeroom space within the existing building footprint.

Work began mid-August and is to to be completed by the end of the year.

The Iona unit has two separate wings, one with 20 beds for less severely impacted patients (categorise­d as D3) and the other with 20 beds for those requiring specialise­d hospital-level care ( D6).

That is the highest level of dementia care available in New Zealand. PSS is the sole provider of psychogeri­atric care in Southland. Care is also provided for people from the Whakatipu Basin, Wānaka and Central Otago areas, most of whom were referred when their dementia advanced.

Fundraisin­g is continuing.

 ?? ?? Peacehaven manager Ronette Devlin, left, Enliven Southland director Carol Riddle and Presbyteri­an Support Southland chief executive Matt Russell review constructi­on progress of the Iona D6 dementia unit.
Peacehaven manager Ronette Devlin, left, Enliven Southland director Carol Riddle and Presbyteri­an Support Southland chief executive Matt Russell review constructi­on progress of the Iona D6 dementia unit.

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