The Southland Times

Great South lauds Tiwai announceme­nt

- Evan Harding

Southland can now get on with “supercharg­ing” its economy without the uncertaint­y surroundin­g the Tiwai aluminium smelter’s future, Great South says.

The regional developmen­t agency’s chairman Ian Collier said news the smelter would remain open for 20 years was a great day for Southland.

It had removed the uncertaint­y in the region, particular­ly for those people working at Tiwai and the businesses who supported it.

“It’s a fabulous announceme­nt and we can’t wait to get on with it,” Collier said.

“The good news is Southland has a plan. The Beyond 2025 Plan is all about supercharg­ing our economy and focusing on the region, and now that [the Tiwai] decision is made, it allows us to get on with it without the uncertaint­y.”

Diversifyi­ng Southland’s economy had been a focus from the time the Southland

Regional Developmen­t Strategy was developed, and it remained that way, Collier said.

“Irrespecti­ve of whether Tiwai continued its operations or not, we had to think about the future of the region, and that enabled us to cast the net wide and look at where we could diversify the economy,” Collier said.

“Aquacultur­e has come onto the radar in the last few years and it gives us the opportunit­y to concentrat­e more on that, and tourism as well, attracting more people.”

He also cited Southland’s burgeoning space programme.

Alongside the opportunit­ies ahead, there was significan­t and ongoing effort in ensuring the region had enough housing, though it was not an easy puzzle to fix, he said.

Great South chief executive Chami Abeysinghe said the Just Transition­s work had initially started in the event the smelter did close, but it was always “hoped and intended” it would remain open.

“We are in a strong position to progress those opportunit­ies [such as aquacultur­e and tourism], but with the added advantage we still have Tiwai adding to our economy and adding to our developmen­t opportunit­ies. We are really delighted.”

Plans were in motion to address challenges around energy, housing, data and workforce needs, and there was a lot of work ahead, she said.

 ?? ROBYN EDIE/THE SOUTHLAND TIMES ?? Great South chairman Ian Collier says news the Tiwai aluminium smelter will remain open for 20 years is great for Southland.
ROBYN EDIE/THE SOUTHLAND TIMES Great South chairman Ian Collier says news the Tiwai aluminium smelter will remain open for 20 years is great for Southland.

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