The Southland Times

Magical display sees Pulse lose perfect record

- Aaron Goile

The Central Pulse’s winning start to the ANZ Premiershi­p season ended in astonishin­g fashion on Saturday, after the ladder leaders were crushed 58-41 by the Waikato-Bay of Plenty Magic in Mt Maunganui.

Even with the visitors having four Silver Ferns on the sideline injured, there was no indication­s of what was in store at Baypark Arena, where the Magic had lost the last seven of their games, dating back to 2018.

All of a sudden, the venue is a happy hunting ground once more, after they not only knocked over a side which was humming at 6-0, but the fourth-biggest win in Magic history. Talk about potentiall­y season-defining for Mary-Jane Araroa’s side, which remains fourth but with an immediate injection of belief going into the second half of the season.

With Ameliarann­e Ekenasio back in action after missing last week with illness, the captain was at her slick, pinpoint best, alongside rising young talent Saviour Tui, but this was a victory set up by an outstandin­g, unrelentin­g defensive display.

Georgie Edgecombe (four intercepts), Georgia Takarangi (two intercepts, one rebound) and Erena Mikaere (two intercepts, four rebounds) were simply sensationa­l in getting hands to ball and never letting the Pulse shooters look anything like settled, including keeping the visitors scoreless for a 10-minute period in the third quarter.

There was no immediate sign of what was to come, with the Pulse duly getting out to a 3-0 start, but the Magic quickly turned the tables to go up 7-5, and the hosts went on a five-goal charge.

A healthy 16-11 advantage at the first break was beyond probably even their own expectatio­ns, for a team that had not won an opening quarter in its past three matches.

In eerily similar circumstan­ces to the first quarter, the Pulse came out and scored the opening three goals of the second stanza, but a pivotal Mikaere hand stopped the run.

Then, just as the visitors were coming back into it at 24-21, Edgecombe came up with not one, but two, big defensive plays to ensure Ekenasio could net and relieve the pressure, as the Magic built a 30-24 halftime lead.

In the third quarter, the Magic went on a nine-goal run, heading into the final quarter with a commanding 42-29 lead, before they further twisted the knife

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