The Southland Times

Chopper’s back with latest show

- Frances Chin

Australian comedian Heath Franklin is taking his “scuffy, bogan” character Chopper across the country in the coming weeks.

Chopper, a truth-spitting moustached figure, will introduce New Zealand audiences to his latest show, Not Here to F*ck Spiders, in a nationwide tour including Invercargi­ll.

Franklin said Chopper would discuss all the “stupid things people have been doing lately,” he said.

“Thankfully for me, as a comedian, we keep on doing lots of stupid things.”

“Not here to f*ck spiders” is an Australian phrase that means “not here to f*ck around,” Franklin said. Chopper would be putting his unique spin on everything from vaping to e-scooters, to slightly more controvers­ial and taboo topics.

The comedian’s 2024 return to New Zealand comes a year after his trial shows in Auckland last year.

He said the shows were great, but the audiences may have been “a little bit too polite”, with Australian audiences giving him more honest feedback on his material.

Generally Kiwis had a “bit more of a darker sense of humour” than Aussies, not gratuitous­ly morbid, but more connected to reality, which suited him.

Franklin has based his character around Mark “Chopper” Read, who was a wellknown figure in the Australian underworld, known for the killing and maiming of other criminal figures.

Read became known internatio­nally through the 2000 movie Chopper, starring actor Eric Bana.

When asked why he chose such a controvers­ial figure as a comedic persona, Franklin said he was simply a fan of the movie, particular­ly Bana’s portrayal of Chopper.

“It was quite dark but quite funny in places like there were moments of surreal comedy.

“I thought that if you shifted the tone a bit more towards comedy and keep a little bit of the darker stuff, that it would actually be quite funny.”

Franklin said he quickly learned everyone had a Chopper story they wanted to tell him.

“The more I learned about the real Chopper, the more I was like, well that’s not funny. I decided I was going to be less encumbered by trying to be biographic­al ... I took a photocopy of the character and ran with it in my own direction.”

The real Chopper had his ears cut off in prison. Franklin said he would definitely not be doing that.

“I think my wife would be very unhappy ... I also don’t want to rule out the possibilit­y of wearing glasses later in life. I don’t want to be like a 60-year-old guy who needs to put goggles on to see.”

Franklin’s Southland show is at the Civic Theatre in Invercargi­ll on Sunday, June 9 at 7pm. Tickets can be purchased at

 ?? ?? Australian comedian Heath Franklin AKA Chopper is returning to Invercargi­ll next month.
Australian comedian Heath Franklin AKA Chopper is returning to Invercargi­ll next month.

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