The Southland Times

Sports awards finalists revealed

- Nathan Burdon

A star-studded lineup of finalists has been confirmed for this year’s ILT Southland Sports Awards.

The annual event, which is presented by Active Southland on behalf of the Southland Amateur Sports Trust, is celebratin­g its 70th anniversar­y this year.

Southland Amateur Sports Trust trustee Toni Green said it was inspiratio­nal to read the list of achievemen­ts by Southlande­rs on the national and internatio­nal stage from the past 12 months.

“It’s never an easy job for the judging panel and this year was no exception. There were so many great nomination­s from across a wide range of sports,” Green said.

“The calibre was so high that there were unsuccessf­ul nomination­s that would have won their respective categories in other years.”

Active Southland chief executive Vanessa Hughey-Pol said the awards were a highlight of the year.

“This is a tradition which has stood the test of time as New Zealand’s longest-running regional sports awards and we are proud to present it on behalf of the sports sector,” she said.

“Sport plays a vital role in the wellbeing of our community and these awards create an opportunit­y to tell some great stories, not only about inspiratio­nal achievemen­t, but also great work that sports are doing to make a difference in the community.”

There has been a small change to this year’s awards, with the official and administra­tor categories being blended back together after a couple of years as separate awards.

Administra­tor of the Year sponsor BDO has been retained as the sponsor of the prestigiou­s Services to Sport honours, which are unveiled on the night of the awards.

This year’s awards are being held on June 7 at the Ascot Park Hotel.

ILT Southland Sports Awards 20232024 finalists: ILT Senior Sportspers­on of the Year:

Sheldon Bagrie-Howley (bowls), Ethan de Groot (rugby), Amy du Plessis (rugby), Kate Heffernan (netball), Tori Peeters (athletics), Leon Samuels (shearing), Tom Sexton (cycling), Corbin Strong (cycling);.

One NZ Junior Sportspers­on of the Year:

Cormac Buchanan (motorsport), Alex Crosbie (motorsport), Benji Culhane (hockey), Marshall Erwood (cycling), Kiseki Fifita (rugby), Caitlin Kelly (cycling), Fynn Mitchell (adventure racing), Jack Taylor (rugby).

Kia Southland Team of the Year:

FEAR Youth (adventure racing), Gore Interclub bowls (bowls), Southern Lads (multisport), Southland Boys’ High School first XV (rugby);.

GoodTech Team Coach of the Year:

Shaun Cantwell (athletics), Jason Dermody (rugby), Julian Ineson (cycling), Lance Smith (athletics).

Creation Signs Official of the Year:

Erin Criglingto­n (cycling), Nicky McNaught (squash), Pete Pasco (cricket), Cassie Watt (rugby).

NZME Masters Achievemen­t of the Year:

Dwight Grieve (athletics), Greg Houkamau (touch), Gail Kirkman (athletics), Julie O’Connell (bowls), Ruth Whelan (cycling).

Community Trust South Community Impact Award:

Inclusive Activity Murihiku, Kā Taoka i Tuku Iho Charitable Trust, Southern Queens Boxing, Southland Triathlon and Multisport Club.

“It’s never an easy job for the judging panel and this year was no exception.”

Toni Green Southland Amateur Sports Trust trustee

 ?? ACTIVE SOUTHLAND ?? World Cup-winning Black Ferns prop Amy Rule celebrates winning last year’s ILT Southland senior sportspers­on of the year.
ACTIVE SOUTHLAND World Cup-winning Black Ferns prop Amy Rule celebrates winning last year’s ILT Southland senior sportspers­on of the year.

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