The Southland Times

Creatives sought for Night of Arts sequel

- Regional reporter

Murihiku creatives are being called to come forward as preparatio­ns are made for this year’s night dedicated to the arts.

As the sequel of Invercargi­ll’s Night of the Arts inches closer, its chairperso­n has put out the call for local artists and creatives to take centre stage this May.

The first night, held in 2023, was a burst of colour and joy on Waihōpai’s streets, creating a platform for artists to share their works with their community.

About 40 activities were held, with choirs, bands, performers, fire poi and cultural performanc­es lighting up the inner-city, alongside visual artists, displays and even a dance party to round out the evening.

However, Becs Amundsen, Arts Murihiku’s chairperso­n, said this year’s night was shaping up to be bigger and better as interest from groups across the region ramped up. However, the night wasn’t a case of less is more. More was always more in the arts.

“We’ve been asking our creatives to get in touch with their ideas and offerings and we’ve already been hugely inspired by what our community have come up with.

“There’s really no limit for there’s room for everyone who wants to be involved to have space to take part.”

Amundsen said last year the township was a flurry of activity, with the Invercargi­ll Public Library, He Waka Tuia and Mīharo staying open until 9pm, and places like Invercargi­ll Central, the Langlands, the Invercargi­ll Club, and the SIT Arcade participat­ing in the festivitie­s.

“Most activities were indoors so the event could go ahead regardless of the weather, and despite the cold night, a wide range of people, mainly groups of adults and families, attended,” she said.

“We’re hoping our creative community can really push the boat out this year and try something new and exciting.”

The Night of the Arts will take place on May 17, in Invercargi­ll’s CBD from 3pm to 9pm.

 ?? STUFF ?? Hakopa Thomas, right, leads Ngā Taniwha o Murihiku at the Night of the Arts festival in 2023.
STUFF Hakopa Thomas, right, leads Ngā Taniwha o Murihiku at the Night of the Arts festival in 2023.

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