The Southland Times

Drench resistance costs sheep industry about $100 million annually. How much is it costing your farm?


The days of assuming triple drenches work effectivel­y on your property are gone.

Analysis by Invermay-based Techion, developer of faecal egg counting platform FECPAKG2, shows undetected drench resistance is costing the New Zealand farming industry $98m per annum.

This number comes from 18 years of DrenchSmar­t, the company’s faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) which reports what drench actives work effectivel­y on farms.

Commonly used triple drenches are not effective on 27% of New Zealand sheep farms.

Other drench options fared no better, with BZ/Lev combinatio­ns failing on 50% of properties, while Lev/Aba combinatio­ns failed on 32% of properties, according to a detailed anaylsis of more than 30,000 FEC samples through its lab in year to 30 June 2023.

Techion Founder and Managing Director, Greg Mirams says the days of farmers simply assuming a triple drench will work are gone.

A property producing 4000 lambs a year will lose up to $81,200 income annually if it has undetected resistance.

“Triple drenches are not effective on 27% of New Zealand sheep farms.”

“Farmers generally only become aware there is a problem when they see poor lamb performanc­e in late autumn, or in hoggets or ewes through the winter.

Unfortunat­ely, by the time farmers observe production losses drench has been failing for years,” he says.

Fortunatel­y for the industry, there are sustainabl­e, cost-effective options for farmers to manage parasite resistance and improve productivi­ty and reduce costs.

Come and talk to the FECPAKG2 team on stand A194 to understand your options for managing drench resistance.

 ?? ?? Micro-I for on-farm FEC testing
Micro-I for on-farm FEC testing
 ?? ?? Techion founder Greg Mirams
Techion founder Greg Mirams

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