The Southland Times

Tailored feed solutions


Nutrition is a crucial factor in ensuring the health and growth of livestock. However, not all animals have the same nutritiona­l needs.

Depending on their age, breed and overall health, they may require different types and amounts of feed. That's where Nutrinza’s customised feed solutions come in.

For optimal calf growth and developmen­t, we offer Blossom Hi-Spec, a premium whey-based calf milk replacer made from Imunopro®. This unique process concentrat­es the bioactive goodness of milk for the benefit of the calf.

Calves can then transition to our range of calf meal, including Mega Max Calf Starter and Mighty Max Calf Grower, both unique to Nutrinza and containing a blend of whole grains, protein, vitamins, trace elements, and probiotics that support explosive rumen developmen­t and supercharg­ed growth. These products are highly palatable and achieve excellent growth rates.

Nutrinza also offers tailored mineral blends that support transition and lactating cows.

These blends contain crushed wheat, dried molasses, and other essential minerals that help cows maintain their health and productivi­ty.

Nutrinza is committed to providing quality and excellence in animal nutrition. Whether you're raising calves, looking to increase fertility, manage mineral intake, or focus on production and profitabil­ity, Nutrinza has a feed option that will help your animals grow and thrive.

For more informatio­n, visit Nutrinza at the Southern Field Days in Waimumu from 14-16 February 2024, or visit

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