The Southland Times

Every farmer needs a Buddy


For smart farming solutions and peace of mind, see the specialist­s at Buddy Farm Solutions.

The Buddy Farm Solutions team boast more than 40 years of experience between them in designing, supplying and installing specialist smart farming solutions for effluent, pumping and remote monitoring.

“We are passionate about helping farmers ensure they meet their compliance obligation­s, and save money and time on farm,” says director Phil Finnie.

“Our effluent solutions are proven in harsh environmen­ts, providing reliable operation for greenwater washdown, flow monitoring and NPK management.

“We have a large base of proven products, locally supported and backed up with our specialist knowledge.”

Buddy Farm Solutions’ flagship product is the Gator Buddy – a failsafe effluent and irrigation system that ensures farmers don’t breach consent requiremen­ts.

Born out of Southland, there are now more than 1000 units installed South Island-wide. Check out the Gator Buddy and valve option, which is perfect for farmers wanting to run multiple irrigators off one system, or those who have siphoning problems.

Then there’s the Wash Buddy that enables auto-washing of vats, and the Buddy Remote to enable remote effluent control. Other effluent and pumping solutions include the Pod Buddy, Effluent Buddy, Separator Buddy, Level Buddy, Pivot Buddy, Bore Buddy, Frost Buddy, Irrigator Buddy and Transfer Buddy.

For more informatio­n on how Buddy Farm Solutions can help you spend more time off farm, visit site A82 at the Southern Field Days, or phone 027 555 3532, or email sales@buddyfarms­ or visit www.buddyfarms­

 ?? ?? Gator Buddy effluent and irrigation system
Gator Buddy effluent and irrigation system

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