The Southland Times

Diesel Performanc­e Solutions


Diesel Performanc­e Solutions (DPS) has been remapping Engine Control Unit’s (ECU’s) for over 22 years, with 20 franchises located throughout both New Zealand and Australia.

Edwin Wiegersma has owned and operated a New Zealand franchise Diesel Performanc­e Solutions South Ltd - in Gore for the past 11 years.

He works with Chris Burnell who, with his technical team, is central to the capability and developmen­t of the ECU chipping software essential to successful ECU remapping.

With an extensive background in agricultur­al repairs and maintenanc­e, Chris has a great understand­ing of what it takes to make a machine perform at its best on the farm. Add to that, Edwin’s 28 years experience in the agricultur­al industry as a qualified tractor mechanic and customers have access to the ideal recipe for improved machine performanc­e.

ECU remapping (diesel tuning, chipping, diesel reprogramm­ing) involves the fine tuning of the software of your vehicle’s ECU. The software within these engine control units have been programmed very conservati­vely by the manufactur­er with generic settings, to cater for the most common performanc­e requiremen­ts, climatic condi

tions, fuel quality etc. These settings can be improved, so that your vehicle will perform optimally for the conditions in which you intend to use it.

Independen­t ECU remapping specialist­s, DPS deal with the actual manufactur­es maps. The calculatio­ns for increase are undetectab­le and diesel remapping will optimise your vehicles performanc­e, giving it more torque, power, fuel efficiency and prolong the life of the engine due to increased efficienci­es.

Because they are local to their customers, DPS has been able to develop

ECU mapping software that’s designed specifical­ly to suit New Zealand’s climate and unique conditions .

Its research and developmen­t, which is based in Waikato, have a Dynamomete­r (rolling road) to carry out developmen­t with HCV (trucks) and also the light ute or car. All agents in New Zealand have dynamomete­rs to test tractors as well. This brings a deep quality to the service and product.

Most modern trucks, buses, tractors and agricultur­al machinery have engine control units (ECUs). When we “re-map” a vehicle, we adjust all the various software settings to make sure the vehicle performs exactly the way our client needs it to perform, in the conditions that the vehicle will be operating in.

DPS’s passion and speciality is remapping ECU’s on agricultur­al and commercial machines, however their depth and support easily allows them to cater for all their customers remapping needs.

If you’re looking for more performanc­e from your engine, whether an agricultur­al or commercial vehicle, a truck, bus, or a private car, then look no further than Diesel Performanc­e Solutions South Ltd.


Diesel Performanc­e Solutions South Ltd are one of the sponsors of the Southern Field Days Tractor Pull competitio­n. Head along to the field days and check out the action.

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 ?? ?? Catch up with the main in the orange van, Edwin Wiegersma at Site 490, Southern Field Days.
Catch up with the main in the orange van, Edwin Wiegersma at Site 490, Southern Field Days.

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