The Southland Times

Supreme Court seems destined to play pivotal role in US 2024 elections

- United States

The Supreme Court will be pressed to answer multiple questions crucial to next year's presidenti­al election, thrust into a pivotal role not seen since its 2000 decision that sealed the victory for President George W. Bush.

Bush v. Gore split the nation and left lasting scars. However, the legal battles being waged in courtrooms across the nation involving former president Donald Trump and his bid to regain the presidency are more numerous, more complicate­d and could prove even more divisive in a polarised nation.

Some of the cases raise issues never squarely addressed by the Supreme Court, and seem to be quandaries that can be settled only by the nine justices.

They include Tuesday's ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court that Trump's name cannot appear on the primary-election ballot in that state because he engaged in insurrecti­on on January 6, 2021, and Trump's claim that he is protected by presidenti­al immunity from being prosecuted for trying to block Joe Biden's 2020 election victory.

The court, with a 6-to-3 conservati­ve majority that features three justices chosen by Trump, has a slumping public approval rating and a reputation dulled by precedent-reversing decisions and public concerns about ethics and outside gifts. The public views the court through a starkly partisan lens, according to polls, with Democrats registerin­g little confidence in the court and Republican­s feeling just the opposite. Some Democrats in Congress have called on Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from cases involving Trump's political interests because of his wife Virginia “Ginni” Thomas’ role in encouragin­g the former president to challenge the results of his loss to Biden.

“Unlike in 2000 the general political instabilit­y in the United States makes the situation now much more precarious,” Richard Hasen, an election law expert at UCLA, wrote on his blog.

Hasen was reacting to Colorado's dramatic 4-to-3 decision, which was the first time a court has found that a presidenti­al candidate could be barred from election because of a post-Civil War constituti­onal amendment that prevents insurrecti­onists from holding office.

Other states are considerin­g similar lawsuits, some of which have failed in lower courts; the Colorado court put its ruling on hold until Trump's lawyers – who have vowed to appeal – can ask the US Supreme Court to settle the issue. It would be only one more item on a weighty list.

The justices already have said they will decide the validity of a law used to charge hundreds of people in connection with the January 6 riot, which also has been levied against Trump as part of his fourcount federal election obstructio­n case in Washington.

The law makes it a crime to obstruct or impede an official proceeding – in this case, disruption of Congress's formal certificat­ion of Biden's victory. Scores of January 6 riot defendants have been sentenced under the law, and more are awaiting trial.

Meanwhile, special counsel Jack Smith has asked the Supreme Court to fast-track

considerat­ion of Trump's claim that he is immune from prosecutio­n for the alleged election obstructio­n – intensifyi­ng the legal jockeying over whether Trump's criminal trial in DC will stay on schedule to begin March 4.

Trump's lawyers told the court on Thursday that there was no need to expedite their considerat­ion of that issue, arguing that the government has not given a good reason to bypass a lower appeals court.

Republican attorneys general from 19 states filed a brief supporting Trump's position. The high court could decide whether to take up the immunity issue on an expedited timetable as early as this week.

“The United States recognises that this is an extraordin­ary request,” Smith told the justices in his filing last week. “This is an extraordin­ary case.”

Trump's legal team countered that a case as high-stakes as this one should not be rushed, and called Smith's attempt to expedite the appeals process a partisan attempt to shape the presidenti­al election.

“The fact that this case arises in the vortex of political dispute warrants caution, not haste,” Trump's filing reads. Delay is in Trump's interest; if he wins

another term in the White House, he could order his Justice Department to drop the case against him.

Even as they urge the court to reject Smith's petition, lawyers for Trump will be simultaneo­usly asking the justices to quickly review and reverse the Colorado decision.

Waiting in the wings are questions about Trump's civil liability in the events of January 6, and the gag orders imposed by judges overseeing his criminal case in DC and a civil case in New York, which Trump says hinder his ability to campaign for the Republican nomination.

Polls show him far ahead as the leading contender.

If that were not enough, there is abortion. The justices will decide this term whether to limit access to a key drug used in more than half of US abortions.

That case returns the issue of reproducti­ve rights to the high court for the first time since the conservati­ve majority overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

Polls show the decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organisati­on was an unpopular one, and a politicall­y valuable issue for liberals and Democrats. Since the decision, voters in seven

states have rebelled against conservati­ve legislatur­es and their restrictio­ns on abortion, voting to ensure a right to the procedure in state constituti­ons. Ohio, with its Republican-leaning electorate, was the latest to do so.

Republican­s have struggled with how to present the issue, while Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear (D) won re-election by campaignin­g on an abortion rights message. The same day, Democrats took full control of the Virginia legislatur­e, after pledging to block Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin's intentions to curb abortion there. But it is the question about the viability of Trump's candidacy that is the most perilous.

It involves a theory embraced by some liberal and conservati­ve scholars relating to the 14th Amendment, which in 1868 granted citizenshi­p to those born or naturalise­d in the United States and guaranteed civil rights to all Americans, including those who had been enslaved. In addition, Section 3 of the amendment barred people from office if they swore an oath to the Constituti­on and then engaged in insurrecti­on. The measure was meant to keep former Confederat­es from returning to power. Six Republican and independen­t

voters from Colorado invoked the provision in a lawsuit meant to keep Trump off the ballot. The suit required applying Section 3 to the particular­s of the January 6 riot at the Capitol.

Courts had to decide whether the event was an insurrecti­on, and whether Trump engaged in the event through his messages to supporters before, during and after the riot. Other questions included whether courts may enforce Section 3 without implementi­ng legislatio­n from Congress and whether the section’s restrictio­ns apply to those seeking the presidency.

Trump was impeached in the House but acquitted in the Senate, and Smith has not charged him with insurrecti­on.

But after a week-long trial, Denver District Judge Sarah B. Wallace in November was satisfied that Trump's actions amounted to insurrecti­on. Still, she said Trump could remain on the ballot because Section 3 does not apply to those running for president. The Colorado Supreme Court disagreed with the latter finding, saying it was clear the presidency was included.

“We are mindful of the magnitude and weight of the questions now before us,” the majority wrote in its decision. “We are likewise mindful of our solemn duty to apply the law, without fear or favour, and without being swayed by public reaction to the decisions that the law mandates we reach.”

The novelty of the question makes it difficult to predict the outcome of the US Supreme Court’s likely review. Trump would need to prevail on only one factor to remain on the ballot. And the Colorado ruling says that if he appeals the decision, and the US Supreme Court does not act before a January 4 deadline for changing the primary ballot, his name will remain on that ballot.

Many experts have said it would be extraordin­ary for the high court to disqualify a former president and leading Republican candidate. The three dissenters on the Colorado Supreme Court did not really reach the merits of the case, but found other procedural ways to rule that Trump should remain an option for voters.

“The US Supreme Court really needs to hear the case even if no other federal courts hear it,” said Steven Calabresi, a law professor at Northweste­rn Law School. “We cannot have a presidenti­al election in which one state, Colorado, does not have Trump's name on the ballot without the approval of the Supreme Court.”

Mark A. Graber, a constituti­onal law professor at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law, said that Section 3 does not require a person to be convicted of crimes related to participat­ion in an insurrecti­on in order to be disqualifi­ed from a ballot. He said the US Supreme Court could delve into the question of whether Trump participat­ed in an insurrecti­on – or it can opt to rule on technical grounds, leaving Trump out of any opinion. “This is an important question and someone, somewhere should give an authoritat­ive answer: Did Donald Trump engage in an insurrecti­on?” said Graber, who submitted a supporting brief in the Colorado case arguing that Trump should be barred from the ballot. “Because if he did, then he is not qualified.”

Trump nominated three members of the Supreme Court's conservati­ve majority – Justices Neil M. Gorsuch, Brett M. Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett – each of whom helped overturn the right to an abortion and cemented other decisions that thrilled conservati­ves.

It would be too simple, though, to conclude that a conservati­ve court will automatica­lly rule for a conservati­ve candidate.

None of Trump's nominees were sympatheti­c to his specific requests at the court regarding the release of his financial documents, delivery of White House documents to the congressio­nal committee investigat­ing January 6 and challenges from him and his allies to the 2020 election results.

It’s a lesson other presidents and candidates have learned. The majority in the Bush v. Gore decision were Republican appointees, but so were two of the four dissenters. President Bill Clinton saw his two nominees vote with a unanimous court to reject his challenge that he should be freed from responding to a sexual harassment lawsuit from Paula Jones.

All of President Richard M. Nixon's nominees who participat­ed in the case against him agreed that he had to turn over White House tape recordings, a decision that led to his resignatio­n. –

 ?? ?? The Roberts Court (since June 2022) is front row (left to right): Sonia Sotomayor, Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John Roberts, Samuel Alito, and Elena Kagan. Back row (left to right): Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Ketanji Brown Jackson.
The Roberts Court (since June 2022) is front row (left to right): Sonia Sotomayor, Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John Roberts, Samuel Alito, and Elena Kagan. Back row (left to right): Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Ketanji Brown Jackson.

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