The Southland Times

Shakespear­ean twist takes Invercargi­ll event from Queens Park to city centre

- Sneha Johari

Invercargi­ll’s long-standing annual summer Shakespear­e in the Park event is getting a tempestuou­s twist and a new name this season.

In addition to moving out of its usual Queens Park location and indoors to the SIT Centrestag­e Theatre, the event will host comedian, writer and actor Penny Ashton’s latest solo musical, The Tempestuou­s, for two nights.

It will also coincide with a special themed edition of the popular Night Food Market on Don St.

The aim of the changes was to better account for the weather and give people a theatre experience, Shakespear­e in the Park Charitable Trust chairperso­n Angela Newell said.

The trust also wanted to try something different, she said. It made sense to use the city centre, given the popularity of the food market.

Shakespear­e in the City will run from Thursday, January 25 until Saturday, January 27.

On the Thursday, Improv Southland will present a series of games and scenes with Shakespear­ean themes, stories and characters at the Centrestag­e. This will be followed by a poetry slam MC’d by Ashton.

Entry to the evening is free, with donations appreciate­d.

“This year we’re encouragin­g people to enjoy the hospitalit­y opportunit­ies on Don St before attending the show,” Newell said.

The Tempestuou­s shows will take place on the Friday and Saturday, for audience members aged 14 years and above. Tickets can be booked online via iTicket, and those bought before Christmas Eve will be discounted.

The Night Food Market will take place on the Friday, while local venues can cater to patrons on the Saturday.

 ?? ?? Comedian and actor Penny Ashton will perform her new show The Tempestuou­s on two nights in Invercargi­ll as part of Shakespear­e in the City.
Comedian and actor Penny Ashton will perform her new show The Tempestuou­s on two nights in Invercargi­ll as part of Shakespear­e in the City.
 ?? KAVINDA HERATH/STUFF ?? The first Night Food Market on Don St in September attracted a crowd of about 3000 people.
KAVINDA HERATH/STUFF The first Night Food Market on Don St in September attracted a crowd of about 3000 people.

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