The Press

British blunder a gift for catamaran duo

- Andrew Voerman

Micah Wilkinson and Erica Dawson claimed bronze in the mixed multihull sailing class at the Paris Olympics, after a medal race that began with a dramatic disqualifi­cation.

The Kiwi catamaran crew were set for an on-water showdown with their Great British rivals off the coast of Marseille as they began the medal race level on points, in fourth and third respective­ly.

But that head-to-head battle never eventuated, as the soon-to-be-married British crew of John Gimson and Anna Burnet crossed the start line early and didn’t realise they had been asked to turn back and start again.

Had they served the penalty, they might have been able to recover and make a race of it. Instead, they were disqualifi­ed before the race had even really got going, and tears began flowing immediatel­y. Burnet later said: “Obviously, it was a brutal moment, but that’s sport and life goes on.’’

Wilkinson and Dawson saw it happen and allowed themselves a little bit of relief, knowing they had bronze in the bag. They then swiftly turned their thoughts to trying to win silver, which would mean beating

Argentine duo Mateo Majdalani and Eugenia Bosco by three places.

While they got their noses in front of their rivals in the middle of the race, they weren’t able to make up any more ground in light winds, and ultimately came home in eighth, one place behind the silver medallists.

When that happened, it was time for a few tears of their own – ones of joy. More celebratio­ns followed when they were greeted by their Kiwi team-mates back on shore, with Wilkinson and Dawson both being carried out of the water on others’ shoulders.

This was their second Olympics together, after a campaign in Tokyo that was hampered when Dawson broke her leg in the lead-up.

“We’ve just ground for the last three years exactly for this moment,’’ Wilkinson said afterwards. “I’m really proud of how we’ve stayed in the fight.”

Dawson said they had been inspired by Isaac McHardie and Will McKenzie’s silver medal win in the 49er class in the first week of the Olympics.

The defending champion Italian crew of Ruggero Tita and Caterina Banti won the gold medal, after taking out six of the first seven fleet races.

 ?? AP ?? Micah Wilkinson and Erica Dawson of New Zealand hug after winning bronze in the mixed multihull class.
AP Micah Wilkinson and Erica Dawson of New Zealand hug after winning bronze in the mixed multihull class.

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