The Press



Across 7. Form of government where the head of state is not a monarch (8) 9. Male name of Greek and Roman origin, ranked in the top 1000 boys’ names in the US since 1900 (6) 10. Legal designatio­n for the wife or widow of a baronet or knight (4) 11. Cosmologic­al term first used by the British physicist and astronomer Fred Hoyle in 1949 (3,3,4) 12. Saint ___, island in the South Atlantic where Napoleon was exiled to in 1815, and died in 1821 (6) 14. An intense and irresistib­le love for yourself and concern for your own needs (8) 15. Born Tafari Makonnen Woldemikae­l, Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930-1974 (5,8) 17. City which hosted the Australian F1 Grand Prix from 1985 to 1995 (8) 19. Computer icon representi­ng a person (6) 21. Suburb and highest point of Paris, topped by a basilica (10) 22. Device used, mainly in casinos, to hold multiple decks of playing cards (4) 23. Informal term for financial figures which show a loss (3,3) 24. “Everyone is ____ to his own opinion, but not his own facts”: Daniel Moynihan (8) Down 1. Greek goddess associated with magic and witchcraft (6) 2. A solid contained by six equal squares; a regular hexahedron (4) 3. Term for crockery such as plates and saucers (8) 4. Venomous spider whose Māori name means ‘night-stinger’ (6) 5. Northweste­rn arm of the Indian Ocean, with India to the east and Yemen, Oman and Somalia to the west (7,3) 6. Yellowing of the skin caused by an accumulati­on of bile pigment in the blood (8) 8. Sweet, mint-flavoured liqueur invented in 1885 by French pharmacist Emile Gifford (5,2,6) 13. Flap of elastic cartilage which covers the windpipe (10) 15. Colourless, odourless, tasteless element which is the most abundant substance in the universe (8) 16. Italian liqueur which can be made from apricot kernels, bitter almonds, peach stones or almonds (8) 18. Daughter of Donald Trump, a senior adviser while he was president (6) 20. Wading bird of genus Recurviros­tra, with a long upturned beak (6) 22. Parts of a tennis match which consist of a minimum of six games (4)

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