The Press

Empowering future leaders: BrightSIDE offers unique opportunit­ies for growth in dairy sector


BrightSIDE, an innovative one-day event designed for students, young farmers, or those seeking to enter or advance in the dairy industry, will take place as part of the prestigiou­s South Island Dairy Event (SIDE) conference at Lincoln University and Ashley Dene Research Farm on Tuesday, June 25.

“This is a unique opportunit­y for attendees to gain valuable knowledge and skills essential to thriving in the dairy sector,” said Abby Rawcliffe, South Canterbury farmer and Organiser of BrightSIDE.

“We have curated a lineup of industry experts who will provide hands-on training and insights that will empower participan­ts to excel in their careers.”

2024 BrightSIDE participan­ts will start off joining the main SIDE event at Lincoln University in the morning, where they will hear from Dan Pronk an ex SAS medic who is just a small average guy who pushed himself to perform in complex environmen­ts, and will share his tales of adventure, resilience, while sharing some of his tools he used to thrive.

After this they will jump on a bus and go to Ashley Dene, one of the Lincoln University research farms, where they will rotate through workshops to learn about different aspects of farming.

Fred Hoekstra from Veehoff will share his expertise on properly trimming cow’s feet to prevent lameness within the herd. Sarah Watson from PeopleMAD will focus on personal developmen­t strategies such as effective communicat­ion and CV building. Tony Dench from Synlait Milk will lead a session on calving and reproducti­on skills using DairyNZ’s simulator cow.

Participan­ts at BrightSIDE will also receive training on pasture management techniques and explore how Ashley Dene utilises Lysimeter technology to test various nutrient loss scenarios. Additional­ly, they will have the opportunit­y to experience virtual reality goggles developed by DairyNZ and Lincoln University that bring farming into the digital realm.

“Empowering people in the South Island dairy sector to adapt and manage change is our primary goal,” added Rawcliffe.

“BrightSIDE aims to equip future leaders with the tools they need to succeed in this ever-evolving industry.”

If you are considerin­g a career in the dairy industry or keen to step up into a senior role within the industry, and looking to be inspired and challenged, then BrightSIDE is for you!

Register now at

 ?? PHOTO: Supplied. ?? BrightSIDE participan­ts at the 2022 SIDE event.
PHOTO: Supplied. BrightSIDE participan­ts at the 2022 SIDE event.

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