The Press

Leader, problem solver, and now a Companion

- Debbie Jamieson

Jim Boult loves solving problems, which is fortuitous. He’s faced some doozies.

Not long after he stepped into a temporary role as chief executive of Christchur­ch Airport, the city was hit by the devastatin­g 2011 earthquake­s. Then he took on the role of Queenstown Lakes District mayor and was confronted with the Covid-19 pandemic.

It was his leadership and ability to find and enact solutions that saw him appointed an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2015, and now a Companion of the New Zealand Order ofMerit.

The citation recognises his ser- vices to local government, tourism and the community, including his works as patron of the Child Cancer Foundation,

Whakatipu Wildlife Trust and Whakatipu Rowing Club, and as chairperso­n of the Canterbury Museum Working Party.

He has extensive business interests and is a past chairperso­n and director of Real NZ, Shotover Jet Group, Civil Aviation Authority and Hawkins Constructi­on, and a member of the Risk and Audit committee for New Zealand Customs.

However, it has been Boult’s public roles in the face of adversity which have been his highest profile.

He was a Government appointee on the Christchur­ch Internatio­nal Airport Ltd board when he was asked to temporaril­y become airport chief executive in 2008 as the incumbent left during a major project developing a new terminal. He subsequent­ly managed the airport through the Christchur­ch earthquake­s recovery.

In 2016, he was settled back into home life in Queenstown, when Sir Eion Edgar suggested he run for the mayoralty.

He won in a landslide, and labelled the 2016 council the “can-do council”, leading projects including an initiative to provide affordable homes, the creation of a Bed Tax, and implementa­tion of a government working party for freedom camping.

After two terms, he retired from the mayoralty and challenges of local government.

Ultimately, the people most responsibl­e for his achievemen­ts were wife Karen, and their children, James and Victoria, he said.

Since stepping down as mayor, he has adapted to his phone not ringing so often, and is busy and happy looking after his business interests and various charity roles.

 ?? ?? Jim Boult
Jim Boult

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