The Press

Peters to ‘clarify’ the future of greyhound racing after more deaths

- Will Harvie

Racing Minister Winston Peters is “aware of the need to clarify the future of the greyhound racing industry following a long period of uncertaint­y”, according to his office spokespers­on.

Calls to ban greyhound racing have again been raised after two dogs were euthanised after falling in the same race at Christchur­ch’s Addington Raceway on Thursday night.

“It is beyond comprehens­ion that greyhounds continue to suffer and die on New Zealand racing tracks,” said Will

Appelbe, head of investigat­ions at animal rights charity Safe.

Dog Jovita was “badly checked and fell into first turn”, reported Greyhound NZ, the industry body. She was referred to the veterinari­an and reported to have a fractured right radius/ ulna.

“Due to the catastroph­ic nature of this injury, the greyhound was euthanised on humane grounds.”

Palawa Queen, who was involved in the same crash and sustained a fractured right radius/ulna, was also euthanised.

Greyhound Racing NZ had “worked incredibly hard to reduce the number of race day euthanasia­s”, said chief executive Edward Rennell. There were 67 race day euthanasia­s in the 2018-19 season, 35 the next season and 27 the next, according to the racing body. Numbers fell to seven in each of the two seasons of 202123. There have been nine so far this season, which ends July 31. Safe has called on Prime Minister Christophe­r Luxon to honour a campaign promise to ban greyhound racing. Luxon

repeated that promise in late March, stating that it was “my position”.

“Greyhounds love to run and they love to race,” said Rennell. Greyhound Racing NZ “firmly believes that there are no grounds for greyhound racing to be banned”.

“The industry has made significan­t progress in recent years, and while the euthanasia of two greyhounds was distressin­g for everyone involved in the sport ... it does not warrant a knee-jerk reaction of closing the industry”, he said.

Peters’ spokespers­on said: “In due course, advice from officials will be considered and a decision will be reached within Cabinet.”

 ?? GRANT MATTHEW/ MANAWATŪ STANDARD ?? There are fresh calls for greyhound racing to be banned after two dogs were euthanised at Addington Raceway this week.
GRANT MATTHEW/ MANAWATŪ STANDARD There are fresh calls for greyhound racing to be banned after two dogs were euthanised at Addington Raceway this week.
 ?? ?? Racing Minister Winston Peters
Racing Minister Winston Peters

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