The Press

Here comes the cavalry

But is it too late to ride to the rescue for the Crusaders?

- Richard Knowler

“There comes a point when big boys just need to pull their pants up and get on with the job, and that’s what we will be looking for this week.’’

Crusaders coach Rob Penney

It would be obscene to expect All Blacks Codie Taylor and Tamaiti Williams to wrench the joystick and reverse the Crusaders out of the dark pit at the bottom of the Super Rugby Pacific table.

Hooker Taylor and prop Williams, who have been named to start against the Highlander­s in Dunedin on Saturday evening, shouldn’t be lumbered with the responsibi­lity of shunting the Crusaders out of the precarious position they are in.

But, then again, these are no ordinary times; which, in turn, means Taylor and Williams will immediatel­y be under scrutiny as the Crusaders, with just two wins from 10 games and 10th on the competitio­n table, attempt to secure a victory at Forsyth Barr Stadium to keep their playoff hopes alive.

In previous years, late arrivals to the Crusaders party have been able to reintroduc­e themselves to pals in the knowledge the side has functioned well in their absence, alleviatin­g pressure to perform beyond expectatio­ns.

This scenario is much uglier.

How Taylor, especially, responds after such a long period away from the game – the experience­d No 2 hasn’t played since starting for the All Blacks against the Springboks in the World Cup final in Paris on October 28 – could be pivotal.

His maturity and ability to operate under red-hot pressure are likely to be vital, as the Crusaders try to lift their lineout success rate from 79%.

There have been a multitude of reasons for the Crusaders’ dreadful form this year and the lineout, especially, has at times bordered on the dysfunctio­nal.

The Reds prospered from errors in the set-piece during their historic win at Apollo Projects Stadium in Christchur­ch last weekend, and to repeat them against the Highlander­s could add more darkness to an already miserable year.

Crusaders coach Rob Penney said it would be unfair to burden Taylor and Williams with specific orders to show their team-mates what’s required to win games.

Williams has not played since tearing a hamstring in the first-round loss to the Chiefs in Hamilton on February 23.

Penney, instead, turned the acid on those men who have been with them throughout the campaign, challengin­g them to erase the mistakes that continue to dog the side.

“We have been working on elements of those every week, and the boys’ awareness is right up there.

“There comes a point when big boys just need to pull their pants up and get on with the job, and that’s what we will be looking for this week.

“The elements we have been showing some fragility are the elements they [the Highlander­s] are really strong at. So they will be compoundin­g if we don’t address them.’’

There was more good news for the Crusaders, with captain and lock Scott Barrett named to start after recovering from the back injury that forced him to retire early in the first half of the game against the Reds. “Everything is looking good for his participat­ion at the weekend,’’ Penney said.

Former Welsh test*player Leigh Halfpenny picked up a calf strain last weekend. Johnny McNicholl starts at fullback, with Chay Fihaki on the right wing. David Havili, as requested by All Blacks coach Scott Robertson, remains at first five-eighth.

The Highlander­s have won just one of their last 10 competitio­n games against the Crusaders. Penney needed no reminding of what was at stake.

A victory would be treasured. “It would be a great step forward for us,’’ he said. “We have not had the team song sung too often in the changing rooms this year. It’s a great song. We would love to have it sung again on Saturday night.’’

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? The struggling Crusaders have been short of horsepower for much of this season but welcome back several big names for their clash against the Highlander­s in Dunedin on Saturday.
GETTY IMAGES The struggling Crusaders have been short of horsepower for much of this season but welcome back several big names for their clash against the Highlander­s in Dunedin on Saturday.
 ?? ?? Codie Taylor will make his first appearance of the year for the Crusaders against the Highlander­s.
Codie Taylor will make his first appearance of the year for the Crusaders against the Highlander­s.
 ?? ?? Tamaiti Williams hasn’t played for the Crusaders since the first-round game against the Chiefs on February 23.
Tamaiti Williams hasn’t played for the Crusaders since the first-round game against the Chiefs on February 23.
 ?? ?? Captain and lock Scott Barrett has made a swift recovery from a back injury.
Captain and lock Scott Barrett has made a swift recovery from a back injury.

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